Link to run and test
In this project we are using different machine learning and deep learning model to detect if a message is suicidal or not
- app/ : Api folder contains the api using FastAPI
- dataset/ : You can put your dataset here. link
- : Script to predict and classify using pre-trained model
- model.joblib : Pre-Trained model using naive bayes classification
- requirements.txt : Requirements file
- : Script to train model
To train the dataset based on your own specifications you can go through the following steps:
- Download dataset and place it in the dataset folder
- Create your virtual environment using: python venv
- Install requirements using the command: pip install requirements.txt
- Change parameters such as max_features in
- Run and save your model
To predict you can use pre-trained model and run
- Train model using deep learning methods
- Deploy api
- Enhance translation and add more languages