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Chess keypoint detection

This repository contains source code of chess keypoint detection task, that was given as a test task in FreeFlex company. In this repo I demonstrate how to solve problem of keypoint detection using pytorch and torchvision frameworks.

Links to data/weights/reports

Table of content

  1. Dataset description
  2. Launching training
  3. The structure of repository file
  4. Training process
  5. Visualization of predictions results
  6. Stack of technologies
  7. Limitations of project
  8. Contributions

Description of training data

Dataset consists from different files:

  • xtrain.npy - numpy array file of shape (15137, 256, 256, 1) - 15137 gray square images of size (256, 256), pixel range: 0.-255.
  • ytrain.npy - numpy array file of shape (15137, 8) - 15137 keypoints (x1, y2, x2, y2 ...), range of values: 0.-1. ( should be denormalized for passing to model)
  • xtrain.npy - numpy array file of shape (5, 256, 256, 1) - 5 test images.

Visualization of training data (red points are keypoints of chess desk)

Launch training

Steps for setting up training/testing process (assuming training locally).

  1. (Optionally) Register on for saving logs and weights of model.
  2. Download dataset from google disk and put it into data/ folder (so, data folder should contain 3 files - xtest.npy, xtrain.npy and ytrain.npy)
  3. Install requirements file for project: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt (if something went wrong - try pip install -r requirements-dev.txt)
  4. (Optionally) Change default batch size, parameters of model in config/config.yaml file
  5. Run training: python
    1. In training script you will be asked for api key for connecting to - follow instructions.

The structure of repository file

  • config/config.yaml - config, used for training model (lr, batch-size, etc, hyperparameters of model should be set here or from command line)
  • data/ - data folder, used for storing data (should contain xtest.npy xtrain.npy ytrain.npy files for training/testing)
  • models/
    • - making the dataloader from the dataset: torchvision uses special format of inputs, so there was a need of writing custom collate function
    • - reading dataset from numpy files, wrapping it into default pytorch dataset class
    • - defining training/testing loop
  • jupyter-notebooks/ - visualizing and training/testing notebooks
  • - training script, setting image logging and running trainer class from pytorch-lightning library

Training process

Training time - 3h 40m

Model was trained on 4 epochs (the curve of errors goes to plateau, no need to train the model more): 2 epochs with learning rate 0.001, 2 epochs with learning rate 0.0001, batch size - 10 (batch size 16 did not in kaggle VRAM).

Confidence threshold for scores of prediction take 0.7 - detection the boarders of chess was a simple task, no need to spend much time of tuning parameters.

training curves Charts of training errors, check report for more details

Visualization of predictions results

Red points - prediction of model, green points - labels of dataset.

validation Validation dataset - we could see that quite well detects boarders

testing Test images - we could see that model mistakes when keypoint is hidden by hand

Used stack of technologies

  • pytorch/pytorch-lightning for data extraction and training loop
  • torchvision for keypoint detection model
  • hydra for configuration model/data
  • wandb for logging images/losses (optional)
  • opencv for plotting points

Limitations of project

Torchvision requires explicitly setting if keypoint is hidden or not - so that's why points, predicted on test images, are not well predicted if they are hidden by hand.


Contributions are welcome, please open PR and describe the implemented functionality.


Training keypoint detector from torchvision package








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