Releases: hoelzer-lab/rnaflow
Releases · hoelzer-lab/rnaflow
What's Changed
- Fix webgestalt missing organism by @fischer-hub in #224
Full Changelog: 1.4.5...1.4.6
Allowlist HTTP and HTTPS ENV in Singularity
On restricted HPCs (e.g. with SLURM) and when using Singularity, it can happen that Nextflow needs to pass specific environment configurations for allow-listed URLs to the Singularity containers. This can be achieved via
envWhitelist = "HTTPS_PROXY,HTTP_PROXY,http_proxy,https_proxy,FTP_PROXY,ftp_proxy"
In the nextflow.config
which is now a default when using Singularity.
Again, optimizing DESeq2 resources on HPC
Update nodes.config Further increase RAM for DESeq2 in error case
Optimize DESeq2 HPC resources
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.4.2...1.4.3
SortMeRNA autoload hot fix
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.4.1...1.4.2
What's Changed
- update DGE result documentation by @fischer-hub in #200
- explicitly enable conda in conda profile by @fischer-hub in #207
- Fix deseq2 warnings ( use 'rowNames' instead of 'row.names' ) by @fischer-hub in #208
- Fix refactor_reportingtools_table.rb crash when run with non-ENS feature IDs and feature_type not 'gene' by @fischer-hub in #210
- Fix pca plots and ENS ID lookup for non-ENS IDs by @fischer-hub in #209
Full Changelog: 1.4.0...1.4.1
Larger release adding various bug fixes, software updates, features, and customization options.
Special kudos @fischer-hub for all the help!
What's Changed
- update multiqc to v1.12, add python v3.10 explicitly, closes #183 by @fischer-hub in #184
- Parallelize deseq2.R script, closes #94 by @fischer-hub in #167
- Fix report section order, closes #16 by @fischer-hub in #170
- Setup mode support for conda and mamba by @fischer-hub in #171
- UpSet plots, deseq2 update, closes #10, closes #86 by @fischer-hub in #172
- fix source col in README csv example, closes #173 by @fischer-hub in #180
- fix bad character " ' " in gene names crashing deseq2.R , closes #177 by @fischer-hub in #189
- fix channel order in expression_reference_based sub-wf, closes #191 by @fischer-hub in #193
- Strand parameter priority, closes #176 by @fischer-hub in #181
- feature type is not considered and overwritten by feature attribute type by @fischer-hub in #188
- add node profile for cloud by @hoelzer in #174
- fix typo by @fischer-hub in #195
- make webgestalt output optional by @hoelzer in #196
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.4.0
Version 1.3.0
What's Changed
- add latency profile and documentation to pipeline, closes #79 by @fischer-hub in #155
- Update tool versions and fix outdated DB links in processes dammit, busco by @fischer-hub in #152
- add full support for ONT-LR data in assembly sub-workflow, closes #150 by @fischer-hub in #157
- Read auto detection, closes #76 by @fischer-hub in #158
- fix pipeline crashing for long reads longer than 30k nt because of SMR, closes #162 by @fischer-hub in #164
- new parameter --rna, closes #163 by @fischer-hub in #165
- Generalize feature url retrieval in refactor_reportingtools_table.rb, closes #13 by @fischer-hub in #166
- new parameter --setup to preload all DBs and ref files, closes #102 by @fischer-hub in #161
- Skip read preprocessing (fastp), closes #100 by @fischer-hub in #160
- add busco to multiqc, closes #85 by @fischer-hub in #159
- added mamba profile by @MarieLataretu in #168
- Fc flip report by @MarieLataretu in #175
Full Changelog: 1.2.5...1.3.0