The program is develop by C language
This is basic code and help us understand the basic workings of malware.
Step 1: gcc server.c -o server
Step 2: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -o malware.exe backdoor.c -lwsock32 -lwininet
OUTPUT: The program malware.exe is a malware. You can send file.exe to victim or virtual machine.
Note : When victim start file and now, that computer is very running normal. But it's attacked.
Now, I will open host computer and connect activity malware.
You must check malware realy in victim computer. Use : ./server
I have 1 table more option from hosting to malware.
- whoami : Check IP victim
- dir : Display folder and file.
- cd : Connect to PATH - local malware in victim computer
- q : quit victim computer
- keylog_start : Create file keylog.txt and start keylog function in victim computer.
- persist : Create REGISTRY by malware and malware will start when victim start up.