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A State Managament Code Base (based on flutter_bloc) that helps effortlessly & easily implement BLoC pattern for production quality and maintenance.

There are various ways to implement flutter_bloc for a screen, sometime newcomers get lost into finding a best solution. Thus, this package aims to give simplest code base for implementating 3 differents layers in a screen (ex: Logic, View, Data/State) and easily use it without exploring in all flutter_bloc features, which we don't usually use all of them in production's cases.

This package is stably used in more than 20 author's enterprise applications and still counting.

This package is built to work with:

Main Features

Here's some main features:

  1. State management (Of course!)
  2. Highly customized event based functions:
  • Show loading page
  • Show error dialog
  • Show message dialog
  1. Listen to state changed
  2. Easily control rebuilding's conditions


A screen/feature in Smooth Bloc will contains 3 Dart classes:

Cubit: This class holds your logics that user interact on the View and you can control when/how the View should rebuild.

State: This class includes properties displayed in View and could be changed overtime by Cubit class.

View: This class holds all of your widgets, and will automatically rebuild whenever State is changed. The View usually call Cubit's functions.


  # add copy_with_extension (Optional)
  # add smooth_bloc
  # add copy_with_extension_gen (Optional)

How To Use

First Setup

Smooth Bloc allows customize Dialog & Loading Screen if you want.

void main() {
  // Setup SmoothBloc
    appLoadingBuilder: (message) {
      // Return your customized Widget here
    appDialogBuilder: (message) {
      // Return your customized Widget here

  // Run App
  runApp(const TestApp());

Creating State Class

Classes that extends BaseState need to implement getter value of stateComparisonProps which declares props used to compare & identify when should the view need rebuild (when state are changed!)

You can use copy_with_extension to help generate copyWith() function. It's very useful in Cubit's logical functions.

//@CopyWith() is an optional annotation
class LoginState extends BaseState {
  final bool isLoggedIn;

  // Constructor need to declare default const for all props
     this.isLoggedIn = false,

  List<Object?> get stateComparisonProps => [

Creating Cubit Class

Classes that extends from BaseCubit will inherit above functions and props.

import 'login_state.dart';

class LoginCubit extends BaseCubit<LoginState> {
  LoginCubit() : super(LoginState());

  void login(String email, password) {
    try {
      // Call to show loading screen
      // Assumme that your have completed authenticate user
      // Call emit function to change state and trigger screen rebuilding
          isLoggedIn: true,
      // You could show message to user
      showMessage("You've been logged in!");
    } catch (e) {
      // Show error dialog on screen
    } finally {
      // Call to hide loading screen

  Future<void> close() {
    // Anything here you want to dispose/close/cancel with the cubit
    return super.close();

Additionally, you can make use of eventStreamController to fire any customized event class (extended from BaseEvent), and the View can listen to it!.

For example, if you want to create an event that trigger view to navigate to another view.

/// Create an event class
class PushPageEvent extends BaseEvent {
  final String routeName;
    required this.routeName,
/// Then use in Cubit
void signOut() {
    // Signing user out
    // Return to some screen
    eventStreamController.add(PushPageEvent(routeName: "main"));
/// In View, hanlde like this
  onNewEvent(BaseEvent event) {
    if (event is PushPageEvent) {
      final routeName = event.routeName;
      // Push new view
    return super.onNewEvent(event);

Creating View Class

Classes that extends from BaseView will inherit above functions.

import 'login_cubit.dart';
import 'login_state.dart';

class LoginView extends StatefulWidget {
  const LoginView({super.key});

  State<LoginView> createState() => _LoginViewState();

class _LoginViewState extends BaseView<LoginState, LoginCubit, LoginView> {
  LoginCubit assignCubit() {
    // Example return using dependency injection
    return GetIt.instance<LoginCubit>();
    // Or return as a constant value
    return LoginCubit();

  // If TRUE, the Cubit close() function will not be called when View is disposed
  // Default is FALSE
  bool get shouldNotDisposeCubitAndState => false;
  // This is from AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin
  bool get wantKeepAlive => true;

  onNewEvent(BaseEvent event) {
    // Handle your customized event here
    if (event is PushPageEvent) {
      final routeName = event.routeName;
      // Ex: Push new view
    return super.onNewEvent(event);

  bool shouldRebuild(LoginState previous, LoginState current) {
    // Declare any conditions that allow or not allow view to rebuild
    return super.shouldRebuild(previous, current);

  onStateChanged(LoginState previous, LoginState current) {
    // Observe to state changes here!
    if (previous.isLoggedIn != current.isLoggedIn && current.isLoggedIn) {
      // Ex: Push to home screen
    return super.onStateChanged(previous, current);

  String getErrorMessage(error) {
    // You can customize error event (fired from Cubit) here
    // Most common usage is localization
    return super.getErrorMessage(error);

  String getMessage(msg) {
    // You can customize message event (fired from Cubit) here
    // Most common usage is localization
    return super.getMessage(msg);

  Widget buildByState(BuildContext context, LoginState state) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          children: [
              state.isLoggedIn ? "You're logged in" : "Please sign in!",
              onPressed: () {
                cubit.login("email", "password");
              child: const Text("Login"),


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