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Next.js & Expo & Tauri & tRPC

Table of Content


  1. Node.js
  2. NVM: Node Version Manager
  3. Yarn: Package manager for Node.js projects, emphasizing speed and reliability.
  4. Husky
  5. ESLint: A linter tool for identifying and fixing code style issues.
  6. Prettier: An opinionated code formatter for various languages, promoting code consistency.
  7. unit test: Jest: A testing framework with zero configuration, focusing on simplicity and speed.
  8. e2e test:Cypress
  9. Bundler: Metro
  10. Compiler: Babel
  11. Turbo
  12. React
  13. Million
  14. DaisyUI: A Component Library for TailwindCSS
  15. NativeWind
  16. Mobile - Expo
  17. Desktop - Tauri
  18. Web - Next.js: React framework for building server-rendered and statically generated web pplications.
    • next-auth: Authentication library for Next.js, enabling easy implementation of authentication.
    • next-intl: Internationalization library for Next.js applications, facilitating multi-language support effortlessly.
    • next-pwa
  19. TanStack Query
  20. tRPC: Modern TypeScript/Rust framework for building scalable, type-safe APIs efficiently.
  21. Zod
  22. Prisma: ORM-like library simplifying PostgreSQL database access and management in Node.js applications.
  23. GitHub Actions: Workflow automation tool for building, testing, and deploying code on GitHub.
  24. Vercel: Cloud platform for deploying and hosting serverless functions and static sites.
  25. Stripe: Payment processing platform enabling businesses to accept and manage online transaction.
  26. Supabase: Open-source Firebase alternative: real-time database and authentication for developers.