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Getting Started

To set up and run the project on your local machine, follow these steps:

1. Setup Local Repository

First, pull the repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd aida-content-host

2. Configure Environment Variables

Update the environment files with the required configurations:

  • Navigate to ./client and change .env-example to .env (you don't need to change the VITE_CHATBOT_URL value)
  • Navigate to ./server/chatbot and chage .env-example to .env, and update the OPENAI_API_KEY value to your actual API key

3. Ensure Docker is Running

Make sure Docker is installed and running on your local machine. You can verify this by running:

docker --version

If Docker is not installed, you can download it from Docker's official website.

4. Run the Project

Use the provided shell script to start the necessary services. You can run:

sh -a

Alternatively, to start specific services:

  • Chatbot Only

    sh -c
  • Visualization Only:

    sh -v

5. Access teh Application

Once Docker services are running, open the following URLs in your browser:

If you need to stop the running containers, use:

docker compose -f docker-compose-local.yml down