Collection of Jupyter notebooks for reduction of Gemini GMOS data
- Performs initial data reduction (overscan correction, trimming, and bias subtraction) of raw twilight flatfield images downloaded from the Gemini archive
- Requires raw twilight sky flat data and raw bias data downloaded from the Gemini archive
- Performs median-combination of individual twilight flatfield images processed by notebook_GMOS_a01_12amp_process_raw_twilight_flats.ipynb
- Requires screening by user of output data files from notebook_GMOS_a01_12amp_process_raw_twilight_flats.ipynb to exclude data with insufficient or excessive mean counts
- Performs overscan correction, trimming, bias subtraction, flat-field correction, and cosmic ray removal on raw Gemini science data downloaded from the Gemini archive
- Uses raw bias data downloaded from the Gemini archive and processed flatfield files created by notebook_GMOS_a01_12amp_process_raw_twilight_flats.ipynb and notebook_GMOS_a02_12amp_combine_twilight_flatfield_images.ipynb
- Creates multi-extension FITS (MEF) files by combining individual extension files for bias, flatfield, and science images produced by notebook_GMOS_a01_12amp_process_raw_twilight_flats.ipynb, notebook_GMOS_a02_12amp_combine_twilight_flatfield_images.ipynb, and notebook_GMOS_a03_12amp_process_science_data.ipynb for a particular night of science observations