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This package is inspired by nwidart/laravel-modules with slight modifications to suit hexters/ladmin

Create Module

Create new module and select preset Laravel Blade option.

php artisan module:make Blog

You can directly access the admin page via the link below.


Open route Modules/Blog/routes/web.php file, protect route based on Menu gate so that it cannot be accessed directly without the permissions Role

Module Namespace

The namespace doesn't use App\ anymore but instead becomes Modules\, see example below.

namespace Modules\Blog;

Folder structure

    |--- Ladmin/
    |--- Blog /
        |--- config/
            |--- module.php
        |--- Console/
            |--- Commands/
        |--- Databases/
            |--- Seeders/
                |--- DatabaseSeeder.php
        |--- Exceptions/
            |--- Http/
                |--- Controllers/
                    |--- Controller.php
                |--- Middleware/
        |--- lang/
            |--- en/
        |--- Models/
        |--- Providers/
            |--- BlogServiceProvider.php
            |--- EventServiceProvider.php
            |--- RouteServiceProvider.php
        |--- Resources/
            |--- css/
                |--- app.css
            |--- js/
                |--- app.js
            |--- views/
        |--- routes/
            |--- api.php
            |--- web.php
        |--- app.json
        |--- package.json

Create Menu

After the module is created, you need to create a menu and register it in the sidebar menu.

To create a menu class, click the link beside to see how to register the menu . Menu Documentation

php artisan module:make-menu PostMenu --module=Blog

Create DataTables

Create a DataTables class, For more information Click the link beside. DataTables Documentation

php artisan module:make-datatable PostDatatables --module=Blog


In addition to the commands above, there are several commands that can be used to help you complete your Laravel project.

Create Model class

php artisan module:make-model Article --module=Blog

Create Controller class

php artisan module:make-controller ArticleController --module=Blog

Create casting class

php artisan module:make-cast BlogCast --module=Blog

Create channel class

php artisan module:make-channel BlogChannel --module=Blog

Create Command class

For more information click the link beside. Command Documentation

php artisan module:make-command BlogCommand --module=Blog

Create component class

For more information click the link beside. Component Documentation

php artisan module:make-component BlogComponent --module=Blog

Create Event class

php artisan module:make-event BlogEvent --module=Blog

Create Exception class

php artisan module:make-exception BlogException --module=Blog

Create Factory class

php artisan module:make-factory BlogFactory --module=Blog

Create job class

php artisan module:make-job BlogJob --module=Blog

Create Listener class

php artisan module:make-listener BlogListener --module=Blog

Create email class

php artisan module:make-mail BlogMail --module=Blog

Create middleware class

php artisan module:make-middleware BlogMiddleware --module=Blog

Create miggration class

php artisan module:make-migration BlogMigration --module=Blog

Create notificaiton class

php artisan module:make-notification BlogNotification --module=Blog

Create Observer class

php artisan module:make-observer BlogObserver --module=Blog

Create Policy class

php artisan module:make-policy BlogPolicy --module=Blog

Create service provider class

php artisan module:make-provider BlogProvider --module=Blog

Create request class

php artisan module:make-request BlogRequest --module=Blog

Create resource class

php artisan module:make-resource BlogResource --module=Blog

Create rule class

php artisan module:make-rule BlogRule --module=Blog

Create scope class

php artisan module:make-scope BlogScope --module=Blog

Create Searchable class

For more information click the link beside. Component Documentation

php artisan module:make-search ArticleSearch --module=Blog

Create seeder class

php artisan module:make-seeder BlogSeeder --module=Blog

Execute seeder class

Seed the given module, or without an argument, seed all modules

php artisan module:seed Blog

Publish your module

For more information click the link beside. Publish Documentation

php artisan ladmin:publish Blog

Artisan Options

You can also use options like those in laravel, for example.

Example of options on class model generation

php artisan module:make-model Article -m --module=Blog

Example of options on controller class creation

php artisan module:make-controller PostController --invokable --module=Blog

And there are many other options.