This is collection of machine learning projects demonstrating how to use BentoML to ship trained machine learning models for model serving in production.
- Pet Image Classification - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
- Salary Range Prediction - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
- Sentiment Analysis - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
- Fashion MNIST - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
- CIFAR-10 Image Classification - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
- Fashion MNIST - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
- Text Classification - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
- Toxic Comment Classifier - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
- Titanic Survival Prediction - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
- League of Legend win Prediction - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
- Loan Default Prediction - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
- Prostate Cancer Prediction - Google Colab | nbviewer | source
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