This repository contains the ROS package that implements the works from the algorithm "MGPRL: Distributed Multi-Gaussian Processes for Wi-Fi-based Multi-Robot Relative Localization in Large Indoor Environments". The following figure shows the conceptual overview of MGPRL:
The package has been tested on ROS Noetic for both simulated and hardware Turtlebot3 robot (waffle) & Turtlebot2 (2e and 2i). The following requirements are needed before installing the package:
ROS Installation: You should have installed a ROS distribution (Noetic) on Ubuntu 20.04.
Workspace Creation: Make sure you have created a ROS workspace. You can follow the ROS tutorial to do this.
**Install the
package with the following command:sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-rtabmap-ros
Install ROS Navigation Stack: You can install the ROS navigation stack using the following command:
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-navigation
Python Modules Installation: Make sure python version is 3.8+. Install the following Python modules using
:pip install numpy pandas matplotlib open3d opencv-python scikit-learn
Turtlebot3 Installation:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ git clone echo "export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-turtlebot3*
Exploration Framework Installation: We utilize SPACE for exploration in ROS simulations.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ git clone
AWS Gazebo Worlds Installation:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
Move_Base Navigation:
sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_noetic-move-base
** Python Libraries Installation**:
pip install --upgrade pip # Install required Python libraries pip install opencv-python pip install matplotlib pip install scikit-learn pip install scipy pip install numpy pip install pandas pip install GPy
Environment Initialization:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ git clone catkin_make source devel/setup.bash
- Gazebo Simulation: Launches simulation environments (e.g., AWS House, AWS Bookstore) using launch files.
- Robot State Publisher: Publishes robot states from URDF models at high frequency (e.g., 100 Hz).
- Model Spawner: Places TurtleBot3 models in Gazebo at specified coordinates.
- RTAB-Map SLAM: Processes RGB-D inputs for SLAM, operating at specified frequencies and saving mapping data.
- RGBD Synchronization: Synchronizes RGB and depth image streams for SLAM processing.
- RTAB-Map Visualization: Visualizes SLAM outputs and odometry for debugging and analysis.
- Map Merger: Merges grid maps from multiple robots even with unknown initial positions.
- Move Base: Manages local and global path planning and navigation.
- Frontier Assigner: Allocates exploration tasks to robots based on predefined criteria.
- RSSI Simulation Node:
– simulates RSSI fields with multiple fixed Access Points. - RSSI Robot Nodes:
These nodes collect RSSI measurements (using the robot’s ground-truth pose), perform multi-output Gaussian Process regression to predict RSSI fields, detect global and local maxima with uncertainty-based weighting, compute convex hulls of detected AP positions, and publish their AP estimates (in their own frame) while subscribing to similar data from other robots for relative localization.
- Odometry & Control
: Provides odometry data.${robot_namespace}/cmd_vel
: Receives velocity command inputs.
- Mapping & Perception
: Outputs individual robot maps (e.g., from RTAB-Map).${robot_namespace}/scan
: Publishes laser scan data for navigation.${robot_namespace}/camera/rgb/image_raw
: Publish RGB and depth image streams.${robot_namespace}/camera/rgb/camera_info
: Provides metadata for the RGB camera.${robot_namespace}/move_base
: Each robot’s Move Base server for local/global planning.
- Map Merging & Frontier Detection
: Publishes the merged 2D grid map./frontier_marker
: Publishes 2D/3D spatial frontier markers./{target_name}/masker/masked_image_raw
: Publishes masked images for feature extraction and mapping.
- RSSI & Relative Localization
: Publish each robot’s ground-truth pose./robot1_ap_data
: Each robot publishes its detected AP positions (global and candidate positions) with uncertainty weights in its own frame./robot1_relative
: Each robot publishes computed relative transform data (alignment results) for other robots.
Run one of the example launch (includes rviz) files included in this ROS package. For instance,
roslaunch <package_name> house.launch/ bookstore.launch
- Sai Krishna Ghanta - PhD Candidate
- Dr. Ramviyas Parasuraman - Lab Director
School of Computing, University of Georgia.
For further information, please contact Dr. Ramviyas Parasuraman at