A simple, zero-config DLNA media server, that you can just fire up and be done with it.
See the github page for more details and downloads.
Thanks to Nils Maier for his excellent and simple dlna server.
I just fork it to make a "Very Simple" DLNA server with quick & dirty code changes ^^
Reduce IO usage
- Disable A/V Covers
- Disable Thumbs
- Disable use of ffmpeg
"Improve" logging
- Disable thumbs & covers not found traces
- Add datetime to traces
- Change some info to debug
- Add startup message for rescanning state
Upgrade and fix project
- Upgrade .net 4.5.1 => 4.7
- Build to /build
Actually using nssm to run it as a Windows service with stdout redirected to log file.
Simple to compile with MS Build Tools 2017
MSBuild.exe sdlna.sln /m /t:Clean,Build /p:Configuration=Release /p:DebugSymbols=false /p:DebugType=None
Binary aviable in /build