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Replication package for the OOPSLA 2021 paper titled "Well-Typed Programs Can Go Wrong: A Study of Typing-Related Bugs in JVM Compilers".


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Artifact for "Well-Typed Programs Can Go Wrong: A Study of Typing-Related Bugs in JVM Compilers"

This is the artifact for the OOPSLA'21 paper titled "Well-Typed Programs Can Go Wrong: A Study of Typing-Related Bugs in JVM Compilers".

An archived version of the artifact is also available on Zenodo. See

Table of Contents


The purpose of this artifact is (1) to reproduce the results presented in our paper, and (2) to document our dataset and the proposed categorization in order to facilitate further research. Specifically, the artifact has the following structure:

  • scripts/: This is the directory that contains the scripts needed to reproduce the results, the figures, and the tables presented in our paper.

  • scripts/fetch/: This is the directory that contains the scripts needed to construct the dataset of typing-related bugs as described in Section 2.1 of our paper (i.e., this directory actually contains the code of our bug collection and post filtering phases).

  • data/: This is the "pre-baked" dataset of the 320 typing-related bugs under study (for more details about the selected bugs, please read section Selected Bugs of our artifact).


  • A Unix-like operating system (tested on Ubuntu and Debian).

  • An installation of Python version 3.8+.

  • (Optionally) An installation of Docker. If you are not running an Ubuntu/Debian OS, you are able to use the provided Docker image (found in Dockerfile) to download bugs and run the corresponding scripts in a reproducible way.

  • (Optionally) At least 20GB of available disk space. You will need that space only if you decide to re-collect typing-related bugs (and their fixes) from the corresponding sources (for more details, see Section Downloading Bugs & Fixes from Sources).

  • (Optionally) A Github access token (see here) for interacting with the Github API. You will need this access token only if you decide to execute the instructions included in Section Downloading Bugs & Fixes from Sources of our artifact.

Getting Started

This section includes instructions and documentation for (1) setting up the necessary environment in order run our scripts, (2) re-collecting typing-related bugs taken from the issue trackers of Java, Scala, Kotlin, and Groovy, (3) the bugs under study and the proposed categorization. The final output of this step is the directory data/, which is ultimately used for answering our research questions.

First get the artifact, and enter the root directory of the artifact

git clone ~/types-bug-study-artifact
cd ~/types-bug-study-artifact


There are two options for reproducing the results of the paper. If you are running an Ubuntu/Debian OS, we provide instructions for installing the required apt packages and libraries used for running the scripts of the artifact. Otherwise, if you do not have an Ubuntu/Debian installation, this artifact provides you with a Docker image (defined in Dockerfile) that contains the required environment for executing the scripts and reproducing the results of our paper.

Option1: Ubuntu/Debian Installation

NOTE: If you are not running an Ubuntu/Debian OS, please jump to the Section Option2: Docker Image Installation.

You need to install some apt packages and some Python packages to run the experiments of this artifact. First, download the following packages using apt.

apt install curl jq git mercurial diffstat cloc

You also need to install some Python packages. In a Python virtualenv run the following:

virtualenv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install requests matplotlib pandas seaborn

Option2: Docker Image Installation

We provide a Dockerfile to build an image that contains:

  • The necessary apt packages (e.g., cloc) for running the scripts of our bug collection approach.
  • The necessary Python packages (e.g., matplotlib) for running our evaluation scripts.
  • A user named user with sudo privileges.

To build the Docker image named bug-study from source, run the following command (estimated running time: ~5 min)

docker build . -t bug-study

Run the following command to create a new container.

docker run -it \
    --rm \
    -v $(pwd)/scripts:/home/user/scripts \
    -v $(pwd)/downloads:/home/user/downloads \
    -v $(pwd)/data:/home/user/data \
    -v $(pwd)/figures:/home/user/figures \
    bug-study /bin/bash

After executing the command, you will be able to enter the home directory (i.e., /home/user). This directory contains (1) the scripts for reproducing the results of the paper (see scripts/), (2) the data of our bug study (see data/), (3) a dedicated directory for storing the generated figures (see figures/), and (4) downloads/ which is the directory where the data produced by the bug collection and post-filtering phases will be saved (in case you decide to re-create the bug dataset).

Further explanations: The option -v is used to mount a local volume inside the Docker container. In this way, data produced during the execution of the container will not be lost upon the container's exit (e.g., the resulting figures will be stored in $(pwd)/figures of your host machine).

IMPORTANT NOTE: From now on, if you chose to set up the necessary environment through Docker, we assume that all the commands shown in the artifact below are executed inside a Docker container (which has been spawned by running the docker run on bug-study image).

Downloading Bugs & Fixes from Sources (Optionally)

This section provides the instructions to collect typing-related bugs and their fixes (corresponding to Section 2.1 of our paper).

IMPORTANT NOTE: This step requires roughly 18 hours. For this reason, we already provide you with the "pre-baked" data of the selected bugs used in our study, along with the proposed categorization (see the directory data/). However, if you still want to re-download the bugs from the corresponding sources and create the bug dataset on your own, please continue reading this section. Otherwise, you can go directly to the next section (Selected Bugs).

To download and re-construct the initial dataset as described in Section 2.1 of the paper, you will need at least 20 GB of available disk space. At this point, we should note that the generated dataset will probably contain more bugs than the dataset described in the paper because new bugs will have been fixed from the time we downloaded the bugs until now.

Also, at this point you will need a Github access token (see here). Once you obtain it, please assign it to a shell variable named GH_TOKEN.

export GH_TOKEN=<your Github access token>

The following script applies our bug collection approach. Specifically, it searches over the issue trackers of the examined compilers and retrieves fixed typing-related bugs that meet our search criteria as described in Section 2.1 of our paper. Then, it runs the post-filtering step to filter out bugs without any explicit fix or a test case. To fetch the data, run the following script (estimated running time: ~18 hours)

./scripts/fetch/ downloads $GH_TOKEN

The command above is a wrapper script that executes the following six scripts (which can be also executed as stand-alone tools).

  1. scripts/fetch/
  2. scripts/fetch/
  3. scripts/fetch/
  4. scripts/fetch/
  5. scripts/fetch/
  6. scripts/fetch/

The first four scripts compose the bug collection phase of our approach, while the 6th script stands for the post-filtering step. Finally, the 5th script is used to clone the repositories of compilers. Below, you find further details regarding these scripts.

Fetching Groovy Bugs

python scripts/fetch/ downloads/bugs/groovy.txt \
        downloads/bugs/fixes/descriptions/groovy \

This script fetches groovyc bugs using the Jira REST API (see It saves (1) the URLs of the retrieved bugs in downloads/bugs/groovy.txt, (2) the description and the summary of each bug in downloads/bugs/fixes/descriptions/groovy/GROOVY-XXXX (where XXXX stands for the id of the bug), and (3) some general statistics, (such as created date, resolution date, and reporter) in downloads/bugs/groovy.json.

This script fetches Groovy bugs from Jira by applying the following filters (the query below is written in JQL, which is the query language of Jira):

project = "Groovy" AND
type = "bug" AND
resolution = "fixed" AND
status in ("Resolved", "Closed") AND
component = "Static Type Checker"

Fetching Kotlin Bugs

python scripts/fetch/ downloads/bugs/kotlin.txt \
        downloads/bugs/fixes/descriptions/kotlin \

This script fetches kotlinc bugs using the YouTrack REST API (see The script stores (1) the URLs of the retrieved kotlinc bugs in downloads/bugs/kotlin.txt, (2) the description and the summary for each bug in downloads/bugs/fixes/descriptions/kotlin/KT-XXXX, and (3) some general statistics (such as created date, resolution date, and reporter) in downloads/bugs/kotlin.json.

To fetch kotlinc typing-related bugs, the script above performs the following query:

project = "Kotlin" AND
Type in "("Bug", "Performance Problem") AND,
"State" = "Fixed" AND
Subsystems in (
  "Frontend. Resolution and Inference",
  "Frontend. Data-flow analysis",
  "Frontend. Control-flow analysis",
  "Frontend. Declarations",

Fetching Java bugs

python scripts/fetch/ downloads/bugs/java.txt \
        downloads/bugs/fixes/descriptions/java \

This script fetches javac bugs using the Jira REST API (see, The script saves (1) the URLs of the retrieved bugs in downloads/bugs/java.txt, (2) the description and the summary for each bug in downloads/bugs/fixes/descriptions/java/JDK-XXXX, (3) some general statistics (such as created date, resolution date, and reporter) in downloads/bugs/java.json.

The script above fetches javac bugs by applying the following query:

project = "JDK" AND
type = "bug" AND
resolution = "fixed" AND
status in ("Resolved", "Closed") AND,
component = "tools" AND
Subcomponent = "javac" AND
priority in ("P1", "P2", "P3")" AND (
  affectedVersion in (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) OR (
    fixVersion in (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) AND
    affectedVersion is EMPTY

Fetching Scala bugs

python scripts/fetch/ downloads/bugs/scala.txt \
        downloads/bugs/fixes/descriptions/scala \
        downloads/bugs/scala.json $GH_TOKEN

This script fetches bugs related to scalac and dotty using the Github REST API (see The script saves (1) the URLs of the scripts in downloads/bugs/scala.txt, (2) the description and the summary for each bug in downloads/bugs/fixes/descriptions/scala/scala-XXXX, and (3) some general statistics (such as created date, resolution date, and reporter) in downloads/bugs/scala.json.

For fetching Scala2 bugs that are relevant to our study, the script above filters bugs as follows:

label in (
  "should compile",
  "should not compile",
  "dependent types",
  "structural types",
  "implicit classes",
  "compiler crash"
label not in ("backend", "won't fix")

For filtering Dotty bugs, the scripts applies the following filters:

label in ("itype:bug", "itype:crash", "itype:performance") AND
label in (
label != "stat:wontfix"

Cloning Compilers' Repositories

./scripts/fetch/ downloads/repos

This script clones a number of repositories. We use the history of these repositories to search for fixes corresponding to the collected bugs. In particular, the script clones the following repositories.

Detecting Bug Fixes

./scripts/fetch/ downloads/bugs \
  downloads/bugs/fixes/descriptions downloads/repos \
  downloads/bugs/fixes $GH_TOKEN 2>&1 |
tee downloads/logs

This script is responsible for detecting fixes associated with the bugs fetched by the previous scripts. To do so, for each bug, it first searches over the corresponding repository for commits containing the ID of the bug in the commit's message. If that fails and the repository is hosted in GitHub, then the script searches for pull requests that have tagged the given bug ID. The output of the script is downloads/bugs/fixes/{groovy,kotlin,java,scala}.txt, which contains the URL of each bug report and fix.

Finally, to print some general statistics regarding our bug collection approach run

./scripts/ downloads/bugs

The above script prints the total number of bugs collected in the previous step reproducing Table 1 of our paper, i.e., the output of the script is similar to the following.

Language         Phase 1         Phase 2
    Java            1252             873
 Scala 2            1180            1067
 Scala 3             429             366
  Kotlin            2189            1601
  Groovy             300             246
   Total            5350            4153

Downloading the 320 Typing-Related Bugs (Optionally)

IMPORTANT NOTE: You have to complete the previous step in order to proceed with this one.

To download the data associated with the specific 320 typing-related that were manually examined in our study, run the following script (estimated running time: 4--5 min).

./scripts/fetch/ downloads data

The above script takes as input the downloads/ directory that includes the entire dataset of bugs, and the data/ directory that contains an iterations/ directory with the bugs examined in our study. Note that the directory iterations/ includes the bugs that were selected and manually analyzed in each iteration as described in Section 2.2 of our paper. For example, the file data/iterations/1/java.txt shows the javac bugs that we manually studied in the first iteration of our bug analysis.

Regarding its execution, the script scripts/fetch/ first downloads the revisions of bug fixes corresponding to each of the selected bugs, and then stores some general statistics for these fixes in the data/diffs/{groovy,java,kotlin,scala}/bug_id/ directory. Each generated directory contains a .diff and a stats.csv file. The .diff file is the revision of the corresponding fix, while the stats.csv file enumerates, for each source file, how many lines are inserted, deleted or modified by the revision.

Selected Bugs

Now, we provide details regarding the 320 typing-related bugs studied in our paper. These details can be found in the data/ directory, which has the following structure:

  • data/bugs.json: This document contains all 320 bugs examined in our study and their categorization. Each bug entry has the following fields:

    • language: The language of the compiler.
    • compiler: The compiler in which the bug occurred.
    • is_correct: True if the bug-revealing test case is compilable; False otherwise.
    • symptom: The bug's symptom.
    • bug_cause: The root cause of the bug. A bug cause may contain subcategories. The subcategory of a specific bug cause is shown by the the subcategory field. Example:
      "bug_cause": {
        "category": "Type-related Bugs",
        "subcategory": "Incorrect Type Comparison & Bound Computation"
    • error: This field indicates how the bug was introduced.
    • chars: This field contains the characteristics of the bug-revealing test case. This field contains two more fields: (1) characteristics corresponding to language features involved in each test case (e.g., Inheritance), and (2) categories that includes the groups to which these language features belong (e.g., OOP features).
  • data/characteristics.json: This document contains the categories and the sub-categories of the bug-revealing test cases.

  • data/{groovy,java,kotlin,scala}.json: Other general information for each bug, i.e., the creation and resolution date of bug, the assignee of bug, and the number of comments associated with the corresponding bug report.

  • data/diffs/{groovy,java,kotlin,scala}/bug_id/*.diff: The revisions associated with the fix of bug with ID bug_id.

  • data/diffs/{groovy,java,kotlin,scala}/bug_id/stats.csv: For each source file affected by the fix of bug with ID bug_id, this file enumerates how many lines of code are inserted, deleted, or modified.

  • data/test_cases/{groovy,java,kotlin,scala}/bug_id/*.{kt,java,scala,groovy}: The test case that triggers the bug with ID bug_id.

  • data/test_cases/{groovy,java,kotlin,scala}/bug_id/stats.json: Statistics on the bug-revealing test case (number of declarations, method/function calls, LoCs) associated with the bug with ID bug_id.

  • data/iterations/iter/{groovy,java,kotlin,scala}.txt: Bugs analyzed in the iteration iter. Each line contains two entries (comma separated): (1) the URL pointing to the bug report, and (2) the URL pointing to the fix of the bug.

  • data/collection/: This is the entire dataset of bugs produced after applying the post-filtering step of our bug collection approach.

Details Regarding the Proposed Categorization

The documentation of our categorizations (i.e., symptoms, bug causes, error types, and test case characteristics) can be found in our OOPSLA paper or can be viewed through your browser by opening the docs/_build/html/index.html file.

Step-by-Step Instructions

In the following section, we provide instructions for reproducing the results presented in the paper using the data coming from the data/ directory.

Collecting Bugs & Fixes (Section 2.1)

Run the following script to print statistics related to our bug collection phases. Specifically, the script reproduces Table 1.

./scripts/ data/collection

The above script prints the following

Language         Phase 1         Phase 2
    Java            1252             873
 Scala 2            1180            1067
 Scala 3             429             366
  Kotlin            2189            1601
  Groovy             300             246
   Total            5350            4153

RQ1: Symptoms (Section 3.1)

In the first research question, we compute the distribution of bug symptoms. To do so, please run:

python scripts/ data/bugs.json --output figures/symptoms.pdf

The above script produces the symptoms.pdf file in the figures/ directory. For those who are running the above script inside a Docker container, the script also prints the distribution of symptoms in a tabular format. Specifically, it prints the following

Symptom                               groovyc          javac        kotlinc scalac & Dotty          Total
Unexpected Compile-Time Error     59 (73.75%)    38 (47.50%)    30 (37.50%)    36 (45.00%)   163 (50.94%)
Internal Compiler Error           10 (12.50%)    25 (31.25%)    18 (22.50%)    26 (32.50%)    79 (24.69%)
Unexpected Runtime Behavior        9 (11.25%)    11 (13.75%)    22 (27.50%)    11 (13.75%)    53 (16.56%)
Misleading Report                   2 (2.50%)      4 (5.00%)      7 (8.75%)      5 (6.25%)     18 (5.62%)
Compilation Performance Issue       0 (0.00%)      2 (2.50%)      3 (3.75%)      2 (2.50%)      7 (2.19%)

However, please note that Docker users are still able to examine the resulting figure by opening the pdf file $(pwd)/figures/symptoms.pdf stored in their host machine. The same also applies for the output figures of the next research questions.

RQ2: Bug Patterns (Section 3.2)

For the second research question, we compute the distribution of bug causes with regards to the examined compilers, and bug symptoms. This reproduces Figures 7a and 7b. As in the first research question, our script also reports the above distributions in a tabular format. Run the following command:

python scripts/ data/bugs.json \
    --patterns figures/patterns.pdf \
    --patterns-symptoms figures/patterns_symptoms.pdf

The above command produces the figures figures/patterns.pdf (Figure 7a) and figures/patterns_symptoms.pdf (Figure 7b), and it prints the following tables in the standard output.

Bug Cause                                    groovyc              javac            kotlinc     scalac & Dotty              Total
Type-related Bugs                        37 (46.25%)        34 (42.50%)        31 (38.75%)        27 (33.75%)       129 (40.31%)
Semantic Analysis Bugs                   17 (21.25%)        16 (20.00%)        20 (25.00%)        24 (30.00%)        77 (24.06%)
Resolution Bugs                          24 (30.00%)        17 (21.25%)        22 (27.50%)        14 (17.50%)        77 (24.06%)
Error Handling & Reporting                 1 (1.25%)        10 (12.50%)          5 (6.25%)          6 (7.50%)         22 (6.88%)
AST Transformation Bugs                    1 (1.25%)          3 (3.75%)          2 (2.50%)         9 (11.25%)         15 (4.69%)

Bug Cause                              Unexpected        Internal      Unexpected      Misleading     Compilation           Total
Type-related Bugs                     90 (28.12%)      23 (7.19%)      10 (3.12%)       3 (0.94%)       3 (0.94%)    129 (40.31%)
Semantic Analysis Bugs                 24 (7.50%)      21 (6.56%)      27 (8.44%)       3 (0.94%)       2 (0.62%)     77 (24.06%)
Resolution Bugs                       44 (13.75%)      11 (3.44%)      16 (5.00%)       5 (1.56%)       1 (0.31%)     77 (24.06%)
Error Handling & Reporting              0 (0.00%)      15 (4.69%)       0 (0.00%)       7 (2.19%)       0 (0.00%)      22 (6.88%)
AST Transformation Bugs                 5 (1.56%)       9 (2.81%)       0 (0.00%)       0 (0.00%)       1 (0.31%)      15 (4.69%)

RQ3: Bug Fixes (Section 3.3)

In the third research question, we study the duration and the fixes of the bugs. Hence, we produce Figure 13a, Figure 13b, and Figure 14. We also report the mean, median, standard deviation, max, and min of the following metrics:

  • number of files affected by a fix
  • lines of code affected by a fix
  • duration of a fix

To produce the aforementioned figures and metrics, please run

python scripts/ data/diffs/ data/ --directory figures

The previous command takes two inputs. The first input (i.e., data/diffs/) is the revisions of bug fixes, while the second input (i.e., data/) is the directory where the JSON files (e.g., data/kotlin.json) containing general information (e.g., creation date, resolution date) about the examined bugs are located. The previous command saves Figure 13a in figures/lines.pdf, Figure 13b in figures/files.pdf, and Figure 14 in figures/duration.pdf.

The script also prints the following tables

                 Lines of Code
          Mean      Median    SD        Min       Max
Java      30.95     16.00     40.60     1.00      190.00
Kotlin    56.15     21.50     144.21    1.00      1177.00
Groovy    49.10     23.00     89.20     1.00      706.00
Scala     73.40     9.50      379.35    1.00      3381.00
Total     52.40     16.00     208.33    1.00      3381.00

      Number of Affected Files
          Mean      Median    SD        Min       Max
Java      1.60      1.00      1.03      1.00      5.00
Kotlin    2.70      2.00      2.56      1.00      15.00
Groovy    1.49      1.00      0.86      1.00      5.00
Scala     2.46      1.00      5.22      1.00      45.00
Total     2.06      1.00      3.01      1.00      45.00

          Mean      Median    SD        Min       Max
Java      131.39    21.00     284.86    0.00      1621.00
Kotlin    164.16    34.00     296.25    0.00      1337.00
Groovy    122.05    8.00      278.64    0.00      1472.00
Scala     328.09    55.50     628.74    0.00      3209.00
Total     186.42    24.00     407.32    0.00      3209.00

Note that this script can take an extra command-line flag, namely --all, used for creating figures that contain plots for every compiler Therefore, to re-create Figure 14 as shown in our paper, you have to run

python scripts/ data/diffs/ data/ \
  --directory figures --all

and then open figures/duration.pdf.

RQ4: Test Case Characteristics (Section 3.4)

For this research question, we examine the distribution and the correlation of test case characteristics.

Frequency of Test Case Characteristics

To compute the frequency of test case characteristics, we use a script that generates Figure 15, prints Tables 2, 3, and 4, and reports some metrics mentioned in Sections 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 of our paper. Please run

python scripts/ data/characteristics.json \
   data/bugs.json data/test_cases/ \
    --output figures/characteristics.pdf

This script takes three inputs. The first input data/characteristics.json is the file that contains the frequency of every test case characteristic. The second input (data/bugs.json) is the file that contains our categorization for every examined bug, while the third one stands for the directory of test cases.

The above script generates figures/characteristics.pdf and reports:

General Statistics on Test Case Characteristics (Table 2)
Compilable test cases                        216 / 320 (67.50%)
Non-compilable test cases                    104 / 320 (32.50%)
LoC (mean)                                                10.24
LoC (median)                                                  8
Number of class decls (mean)                               1.98
Number of class decls (median)                                2
Number of method decls (mean)                              2.89
Number of method decls (median)                               2
Number of method calls (mean)                              2.48
Number of method calls (median)                               1

Most Frequent Features (Table 3)
Parameterized type                                       46.56%
Type argument inference                                  31.87%
Parameterized class                                      30.00%
Parameterized function                                   26.25%
Inheritance                                              24.06%

Least frequent features (Table 3)
Multiple implements                                       2.19%
This                                                      2.19%
Arithmetic Expressions                                    1.88%
Loops                                                     1.25%
Sealed Classes                                            0.94%

Most Bug-Triggering Features per Language (Table 4)
                 Java                                 Groovy                                Kotlin                                Scala
Parameterized type            51.25% | Parameterized type            41.25% | Parameterized type            36.25% | Parameterized type            57.50% |
Type argument inference       42.50% | Collection API                35.00% | Parameterized class           33.75% | Parameterized class           42.50% |
Functional interface          37.50% | Type argument inference       35.00% | Type argument inference       32.50% | Inheritance                   32.50% |
Parameterized function        35.00% | Lambda                        25.00% | Parameterized function        26.25% | Implicits                     23.75% |
Parameterized class           30.00% | Parameterized function        21.25% | Inheritance                   25.00% | Parameterized function        22.50% |

Frequency of Characteristic Categories (see Section 3.4.2)
Parametric polymorphism           57.19%
OOP features                      53.75%
Type inference                    43.44%
Type system features              36.25%
Functional programming            31.56%
Standard library                  30.63%
Standard features                 28.75%
Other                             28.75%

Comparative Analysis Stats (see Section 3.4.3)
Scala Implicits: 23.75
Scala Higher-kinded types: 13.75
Scala Pattern matching: 21.25
Scala Algebraic Data Types: 13.75
Kotlin Nullable types: 16.25
Kotlin Extension function / property: 15.00

This script is useful for finding what are the most and least bug-triggering language features. For completeness and benefiting future researchers, the scripts/ provides three extra command-line options used for presenting the full results of our study (some results are not presented in the paper for brevity).

Example: Configuring the Entries of Table 3

For displaying Table 3 with more or fewer entries, use the --limit option by providing the desired number of table entries. For example, to produce Table 3 that shows the 30 most and the 30 least frequent language features that are supported by all the examined compilers, run

 python scripts/ data/characteristics.json \
    data/bugs.json data/test_cases/ \
        --output figures/characteristics.pdf --limit 30

The script produces an output that contains the following tables

Most Frequent Features (Table 3)
Parameterized type                                       46.56%
Type argument inference                                  31.87%
Parameterized class                                      30.00%
Parameterized function                                   26.25%
Inheritance                                              24.06%
Collection API                                           21.88%
Lambda                                                   19.06%
Bounded type parameters                                  17.81%
Subtyping                                                16.25%
Overriding                                               15.62%
SAM type                                                 13.44%
Overloading                                              11.25%
Function reference                                        8.75%
Parameter type inference                                  8.12%
Nested class                                              7.81%
Wildcard type                                             7.50%
Function type                                             7.50%
Conditionals                                              6.56%
Variable type inference                                   6.25%
Anonymous class                                           5.62%
Array                                                     5.62%
Use-site variance                                         5.31%
Function API                                              5.31%
Java interoperability                                     5.31%
Access modifier                                           5.00%
Cast                                                      4.69%
Property                                                  4.06%
Reflection API                                            3.75%
Import                                                    3.44%
Variable arguments                                        3.44%

Least frequent features (Table 3)
Subtyping                                                16.25%
Overriding                                               15.62%
SAM type                                                 13.44%
Overloading                                              11.25%
Function reference                                        8.75%
Parameter type inference                                  8.12%
Nested class                                              7.81%
Wildcard type                                             7.50%
Function type                                             7.50%
Conditionals                                              6.56%
Variable type inference                                   6.25%
Anonymous class                                           5.62%
Array                                                     5.62%
Use-site variance                                         5.31%
Function API                                              5.31%
Java interoperability                                     5.31%
Access modifier                                           5.00%
Cast                                                      4.69%
Property                                                  4.06%
Reflection API                                            3.75%
Import                                                    3.44%
Variable arguments                                        3.44%
Try / catch                                               3.12%
Augmented assignment operator                             2.50%
Multiple implements                                       2.19%
This                                                      2.19%
Enums                                                     2.19%
Arithmetic expression                                     1.88%
Loops                                                     1.25%
Sealed class                                              0.94%

Example: Configuring the Entries of Table 4

For producing a version of Table 4 containing more entries, our scripts provides the --top option. For example, to display the 20 most bug-triggering features per language, run

 python scripts/ data/characteristics.json \
    data/bugs.json data/test_cases/ \
        --output figures/characteristics.pdf --top 20

This yields an output containing the following Table

Most Bug-Triggering Features per Language (Table 4)
                 Java                                 Groovy                                Kotlin                                Scala
Parameterized type            51.25% | Parameterized type            41.25% | Parameterized type            36.25% | Parameterized type            57.50% |
Type argument inference       42.50% | Collection API                35.00% | Parameterized class           33.75% | Parameterized class           42.50% |
SAM type                      37.50% | Type argument inference       35.00% | Type argument inference       32.50% | Inheritance                   32.50% |
Parameterized function        35.00% | Lambda                        25.00% | Parameterized function        26.25% | Implicits                     23.75% |
Parameterized class           30.00% | Parameterized function        21.25% | Inheritance                   25.00% | Parameterized function        22.50% |
Inheritance                   22.50% | Subtyping                     21.25% | Lambda                        25.00% | Pattern matching              21.25% |
Collection API                22.50% | Parameter type inference      17.50% | Function type                 17.50% | Type argument inference       17.50% |
Subtyping                     21.25% | SAM type                      15.00% | Nullable type                 16.25% | Type definition / member      17.50% |
Lambda                        21.25% | Parameterized class           13.75% | Extension function / property 15.00% | Bounded type parameters       17.50% |
Bounded type parameters       20.00% | Inheritance                   13.75% | Collection API                13.75% | Collection API                16.25% |
Function reference            17.50% | Primitive type                12.50% | Conditionals                  13.75% | Singleton object              15.00% |
Overloading                   16.25% | Overriding                    11.25% | Function reference            13.75% | Case class                    15.00% |
Function API                  15.00% | Variable type inference       10.00% | Overriding                    13.75% | Higher-kinded type            13.75% |
Overriding                    13.75% | Property                      10.00% | Subtyping                     12.50% | Algebraic data type           13.75% |
Use-site variance             12.50% | Array                          8.75% | Flow typing                    8.75% | Function type                 12.50% |
Cast                          11.25% | Named arguments                6.25% | Bounded type parameters        8.75% | Wildcard type                 12.50% |
Nested class                  10.00% | Access modifier                6.25% | Wildcard type                  8.75% | Special method overriding     12.50% |
Conditionals                  10.00% | Java interoperability          6.25% | Java interoperability          8.75% | Overriding                    11.25% |
Array                         10.00% | Flow typing                    5.00% | Variable type inference        8.75% | Subtyping                     10.00% |
Anonymous class                8.75% | Overloading                    5.00% | Operator overloading           8.75% | Nested class                  10.00% |

Example: Showing the Distribution of All Language Features

Figure 15 (as presented in our paper) shows the four most frequent language feature per category. To show the full results, use the command-line flag --all as follows

 python scripts/ data/characteristics.json \
   data/bugs.json data/test_cases/ \
    --output figures/characteristics.pdf --all

This dumps the following Table to standard output. Note that this table actually corresponds to a complete version of Figure 15.

Distribution of Language Features (corresponding to a complete version of Figure 15)
Feature                          Category                           # Test Cases        Common
Lambda                           Functional programming             61                  True
SAM type                         Functional programming             43                  True
Function reference               Functional programming             28                  True
Function type                    Functional programming             24                  True
Eta expansion                    Functional programming             2                   False
Inheritance                      OOP features                       77                  True
Overriding                       OOP features                       50                  True
Overloading                      OOP features                       36                  True
Nested class                     OOP features                       25                  True
Anonymous class                  OOP features                       18                  True
Access modifier                  OOP features                       16                  True
Singleton object                 OOP features                       14                  False
Property                         OOP features                       13                  True
Case class                       OOP features                       12                  False
Special method overriding        OOP features                       10                  True
Static method                    OOP features                       9                   False
Operator overloading             OOP features                       7                   True
Multiple implements              OOP features                       7                   True
This                             OOP features                       7                   True
Secondary constructor            OOP features                       5                   False
Delegation                       OOP features                       4                   False
Sealed class                     OOP features                       3                   True
Self type                        OOP features                       3                   False
Property reference               OOP features                       3                   False
Value class                      OOP features                       2                   False
Data class                       OOP features                       1                   False
Implicits                        Other                              19                  False
Java interoperability            Other                              17                  True
Pattern matching                 Other                              17                  False
Extension function / property    Other                              12                  False
Type annotations                 Other                              9                   False
Named arguments                  Other                              7                   False
Option type                      Other                              5                   False
Elvis operator                   Other                              5                   False
Call by name                     Other                              4                   False
Inline                           Other                              4                   False
Template string                  Other                              3                   False
Safe navigation operator         Other                              2                   False
Erased parameter                 Other                              1                   False
Default initializer              Other                              1                   False
Null assertion                   Other                              1                   False
With                             Other                              1                   False
Parameterized type               Parametric polymorphism            149                 True
Parameterized class              Parametric polymorphism            96                  True
Parameterized function           Parametric polymorphism            84                  True
Bounded type parameters          Parametric polymorphism            57                  True
Use-site variance                Parametric polymorphism            17                  True
F-bounds                         Parametric polymorphism            14                  True
Declaration-site variance        Parametric polymorphism            12                  False
Higher-kinded type               Parametric polymorphism            11                  False
Multi-bounds                     Parametric polymorphism            3                   True
Conditionals                     Standard language features         21                  True
Array                            Standard language features         18                  True
Cast                             Standard language features         15                  True
Import                           Standard language features         11                  True
Variable arguments               Standard language features         11                  True
Try / catch                      Standard language features         10                  True
Augmented assignment operator    Standard language features         8                   True
Enums                            Standard language features         7                   True
Arithmetic expression            Standard language features         6                   True
Loops                            Standard language features         4                   True
Collection API                   Standard library                   70                  True
Function API                     Standard library                   17                  True
Reflection API                   Standard library                   12                  True
Coroutines API                   Standard library                   4                   False
Stream API                       Standard library                   2                   False
Delegation API                   Standard library                   1                   False
Type argument inference          Type inference                     102                 True
Parameter type inference         Type inference                     26                  True
Variable type inference          Type inference                     20                  True
Flow typing                      Type inference                     11                  False
Build-style inference            Type inference                     4                   False
Return type inference            Type inference                     2                   False
Subtyping                        Type system-related features       52                  True
Wildcard type                    Type system-related features       24                  True
Type definition / member         Type system-related features       16                  False
Primitive type                   Type system-related features       14                  False
Nullable type                    Type system-related features       13                  False
Algebraic data type              Type system-related features       11                  False
Dependent type                   Type system-related features       7                   False
Intersection type                Type system-related features       5                   False
Nothing                          Type system-related features       3                   False
Type lambdas                     Type system-related features       3                   False
Type projection                  Type system-related features       3                   False
Union type                       Type system-related features       2                   False
Opaque type                      Type system-related features       1                   False
Mixins                           Type system-related features       1                   False
Match type                       Type system-related features       1                   False

Correlation of Test Case Characteristics

To compute the lift scores mentioned in Section 3.4.3 of our paper, please run the following command

python scripts/ data/bugs.json data/ data/diffs/

This script generates the following:

Pair (Test Case Characteristics (Categories) -> Test Case Characteristics (Categories))    Lift Score
Standard library -> Functional programming                                                 5.3639
Standard library -> Type inference                                                         5.1717

Pair (Test Case Characteristics -> Test Case Characteristics)                              Lift Score
Variable arguments -> Overloading                                                          24.0282
Use-site variance -> Parameterized function                                                17.1765
Type argument inference -> Parameterized function                                          12.7034
Implicits -> Parameterized class                                                           10.926
Type argument inference -> Collection API                                                  8.5882
Type argument inference -> Parameterized type                                              6.9599

Using for Computing Various Lift Scores

Note that can also be used to compute various lift scores. i.e., computing the correlation between various aspects of the examined bugs (e.g., correlation between bug causes and lines of code affected by a fix).

You can set the number of pairs to print by providing the --limit option. The option --threshold is used to display pairs whose lift score is greater than the given option. Finally, --ithreshold sets a population threshold that pairs must exceed.

The detailed usage guide of is shown below

.env ❯ python scripts/ --help
usage: [-h] [--threshold THRESHOLD] [--ithreshold ITHRESHOLD] [--limit LIMIT] [--A {symptoms,bug_causes,duration,loc,files,errors,test_chars,test_char_cat}]
               [--B {symptoms,bug_causes,duration,loc,files,errors,test_chars,test_char_cat}]
               bugs stats diffs

Lift correlations

positional arguments:
  bugs                  File with the bugs
  stats                 Directory that contains the stats for the bugs.
  diffs                 Directory that contains the diffs of the bug fixes.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --threshold THRESHOLD
                        Threshold for lift.
  --ithreshold ITHRESHOLD
                        Intersections threshold for lift.
  --limit LIMIT         Max entries to show per pair.
  --A {symptoms,bug_causes,duration,loc,files,errors,test_chars,test_char_cat}
                        Name of first bug aspect
  --B {symptoms,bug_causes,duration,loc,files,errors,test_chars,test_char_cat}
                        Name of first bug aspect

Example: Using for Computing the Correlation Between Symptoms and Bug Causes

Run the following command to compute the lift scores between symptoms and bug causes

python scripts/ data/bugs.json data/ data/diffs/ \
  --A symptoms --B bug_causes \
  --threshold 1 \
  --limit 5

This yields

Pair (Symptoms -> Bug Causes)                                                              Lift Score
Internal Compiler Error -> Bugs Related to Error Handling & Reporting                      2.7618
Unexpected Runtime Behavior -> Semantic Analysis Bugs                                      2.1171
Unexpected Compile-Time Error -> Type-related Bugs                                         1.3697
Unexpected Runtime Behavior -> Resolution Bugs                                             1.2546
Unexpected Compile-Time Error -> Resolution Bugs                                           1.1218
Internal Compiler Error -> Semantic Analysis Bugs                                          1.1047

By examining the output above, we can presume that bugs related to error handling & reporting have the strongest correlation with the symptom "Internal Compiler Error". This is because this kind of bugs often manifest as compiler crashes.

Also notice that the provided options --A and --B stand for the bug aspects for which we compute their lift scores. The available options are

  • symptoms for bug symptoms
  • bug_causes for bug causes
  • duration for bug duration
  • loc for lines of code affected by bug fixes
  • files for number of files affected by bug fixes
  • errors for error types (e.g., algorithmic error, logic error, etc.)
  • test_chars for test case characteristics
  • test_char_cat for categories of test case characteristics (e.g., OOP Features, Functional Programming Features, etc.)

Docker users can now exit the container by running


Other Utilities (Optionally)

Our research artifact also offers a Docker image that runs a MongoDB instance. This MongoDB instance allows future researchers to perform queries over our selected bugs and their categorization. To spawn this MongoDB instance, first convert our bug dataset into the desired format so that it can be easily stored in the Mongo database. Please execute:

python3 scripts/ data/bugs.json data/bug-collection.json

This script takes the JSON file that includes the studied bugs, and creates a collection of bugs stored in data/bug-collection.json.

Now, you can build the Docker image (namely bugdb) that contains an installation of Mongo, by running (estimated running time: ~1 min)

docker build -t bugdb -f db.Dockerfile .

You are ready to spawn a new MongoDB instance by running

docker run --rm --name bug-container \
  -d -p 27017:27017 bugdb mongod

Then, enter a mongo shell of the running MongoDB instance by executing

docker exec -i -t bug-container bash -c "mongo db"

Once entering the mongo shell, you are now ready to perform any Mongo query over our bug collection called (bugs).


For example, count the number of bugs

> db.bugs.count()

Display the ID of the selected bugs

> db.bugs.find({}, {'bug_id': 1, '_id': 0})
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8254557" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8258972" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8144066" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-7040883" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8029721" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8129214" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8203277" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8231461" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-6995200" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8202597" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8195598" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8144832" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-6996914" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8169091" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8012238" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8152832" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8191802" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-6476118" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8154180" }
{ "bug_id" : "JDK-8029569" }
Type "it" for more

Count the number of bugs that are crashes

> db.bugs.count({symptom: 'Internal Compiler Error'})

Find Scala bugs whose test cases involve implicits and these test cases are non-compilable

> db.bugs.find({
    language: 'Scala',
    'chars.characteristics': 'Implicits',
    'is_correct': false
  }, {
    bug_id: 1,
    _id: 0

This query returns three Scala bugs, namely,

{ "bug_id" : "Dotty-9044"  }
{ "bug_id" : "Scala2-5231"  }
{ "bug_id" : "Scala2-9231"  }


Replication package for the OOPSLA 2021 paper titled "Well-Typed Programs Can Go Wrong: A Study of Typing-Related Bugs in JVM Compilers".








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