Python webservice to simplify working with pen plotters:
- Supported plotters: Graphtec MP4200, HP7475a
- Created for Raspberry Pi.
- Upload *.SVG and *.HPGL files.
- Convert *.SVG into *.HPGL files using vpype
- Telegram notification on print end
- Poweroff your plotter on print end using a Tasmota-enabled Sonoff controller
An install script is included. From the home directory, run:
curl -O
chmod +x
Then run it:
Raspberry Pi will reboot once installation is completed.
After install, open a browser and reach for:
http://{{your Raspberry Pi address}}:5000
Optional: Configure options in config.ini using the web interface to set:
- Tasmota device IP.
- Telegram Chat ID for notifications.
Fix Mobile UI
Add plotter name to toolbar
Add defaults to configuration file
Stop print via UI?
List current printing filename
More plotter options?
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.