is a handy Python package for plotting face-on and all-sky maps of the Milky Way using matplotlib
( for
static plots and bokeh
( for interactive plots.
You can set the center and radius of the plot anywhere on a milkyway galaxy image with galactic or galactocentric coordinates.
Detailed documentation is available at
No acknowledgement to mw_plot
is required if you generate plots for your non-commercial publication, but you must acknowledgement the origin of
the background images. The relevant reference text can by obtained by the property citation
of a mw_plot
class instance.
For example, to get the citation text for the background image of a face-on Milky Way plot:
>>> from mw_plot import MWFaceOn
>>> mw = MWFaceOn()
>>> mw.citation
'NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC/Caltech)'
or for the background infrared image of an all-sky Milky Way plot:
>>> from mw_plot import MWSkyMap
>>> mw = MWSkyMap()
>>> mw.citation
- Henry Leung - henryskyDepartment of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of TorontoContact Henry: henrysky.leung [at]
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details