A game about space things
starry is the next biggest ever replacement of unity unreal godot game maker cryengine frostbite source 2 rpg maker lumberyard defold panda3d flax monogame libgdx ogre bevy phaser armory gdevelop cocos2d renpy urho3d stride haxeflixel pygame blender game engine fucking idk
best game engine in the world awards 1921 winner
10th best game engine when it comes to usability awards 3000 BC winner
- Modern C#
- Overkill graphics (it uses skia (but the c# version))
- Acceptable math structs
- Assets work
- Async await everywhere
- Esoteric tilemap
- Blazingly fast and very handsome entity system
- Sick sound effect and music system
- COMING SOON: Acceptable UI
- COMING SOON: Modding through lua
First you need the .NET 8 SDK
To release:
# idk how it goes on windows
dotnet publish --os win -c Release --sc
dotnet publish --os linux -c Release --sc
It's somewhere in stellarthing/bin/Release/
then the publish folder
If you're using windows you can try this tutorial