Extend provides an easy way for any merchant to offer extended protection plans, generating new revenue, increasing purchase conversion, and dramatically improving the customer experience.
General Questions: [email protected]
Integration Questions: [email protected]
Create an Extend Account: https://merchants.extend.com/onboarding/signup/platform
Extend Merchant Portal:
Production: https://merchants.extend.com
Sandbox: https://demo.merchants.extend.com
- The module is built for Magento 2 versions:
- Magento 2.2.x
- Magento 2.3.x
- Magento 2.4.x
- Internet Explorer 11 or later, Microsoft Edge, latest–1
- Firefox latest, latest–1 (any operating system)
- Chrome latest, latest–1 (any operating system)
- Safari latest, latest–1 (Mac OS only)
- Safari Mobile for iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPad with Retina Display (iOS 7 or later), for desktop storefront
- Safari Mobile for iPhone 4 or later; iOS 7 or later, for mobile storefront
- Chrome for mobile latest–1 (Android 4 or later) for the mobile storefront
- The Extend module does not support bundled, grouped, virtual, or downloadable Magento products without customization
- The Extend Module does not support gift cards
- The Extend module is only available in the English Language at this time
- Download and unzip package from Magento’s marketplace
- Using SSH or sFTP move folders /app/code and /lib to Magento’s root folder
- Using a shell on Magento’s root folder, the following commands must be executed:
$ php bin/magento module:enable Extend_WarrantyGraphQl
$ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
$ php bin/magento cache:clean
To install/update the extension with Composer, the following commands must be executed:
$ composer config repositories.extend-graphql git https://github.com/helloextend/magento-pwa-backend/
$ composer require helloextend/module-warranty-graph-ql
$ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Please contact your Merchant Services Manager for the PWA extension user guide or if you have any additional questions.