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Pull Request Manager

Heitor Polidoro edited this page May 20, 2024 · 10 revisions

Manage the Bartholomew Smith features related to Pull Requests, which are:

Create Pull Request

Automatically creates a pull request with the repository's default branch as base when a branch is created using the branch name as title.
Pull Request Created
It is enabled by default, you can disable it in .bartholomew-smith.yml file

  create_pull_request: false

Create Pull Request with Issue Information

If the branch starts with issue- followed by an issue number of the same repository will copy the title and the body of the issue also, marks that this Pull Request closes that issue.
Pull Request Created With Issue Information
Also works with multiples issues, like issue-123-issue-321... It is enabled by default, you can disable it in .bartholomew-smith.yml file

  link_issue: false

Enable Auto-merge

Enable the Pull Request auto merge feature. Automatically merging a pull request
Auto-merge Enabled
It is enabled by default and the default merge method is SQUASH, change the merge method in .bartholomew-smith.yml, the options are MERGE, REBASE or SQUASH. You can also disable it in .bartholomew-smith.yml file

  enable_auto_merge: false # to disable it
  merge_method: REBASE # to change the merge method

Auto Approve (WiP)

You can set the ENV AUTO_APPROVE_PAT with the Personal Access Token to automatically approve pull requests when the user who made the commit is the repository owner.
Auto Approve
It is disabled by default, you can enable it in .bartholomew-smith.yml file. You can also set a list of other users that the auto approve will approve the Pull Request

	auto_approve: true # to enable ir
  auto_approve_logins: [ImgBotApp] # to include users to be approved

Auto Update

Automatically updates Pull Requests
Auto Update
It is enabled by default, you can disable it in .bartholomew-smith.yml file

  auto_update: false 

You can disable all the features of Pull Request Manager in .bartholomew-smith.yml file

  enable: false 


Configuration values
enabled true (default), false
create_pull_request true (default), false
link_issue true(default), false
enable_auto_merge true (default), false
merge_method MERGE, REBASE, SQUASH (default)
auto_approve true, false (default)
auto_approve_logins list of github users to auto approve
auto_update true(default), false

Check Info

Check Info

Next features

  • Able to link with issues in another repo?
  • Click Up integration
  • Jira integration
  • Better Auto approve
  • Slack integrations
    • Send message that a Pull Request has been opened
    • Pull Request remainder