This is a simple Pokemon app built with Vite, React, TypeScript, and styled using TailwindCSS.
The app allows users to log in, search for Pokemon, view a list of Pokemon, and see detailed information about each Pokemon. The app communicates with the PokeAPI to fetch data about Pokemon.
- User can log in using
as the username and password. - Login state is persisted across sessions using local storage.
- The login credentials are validated locally.
- If the user is logged in, they are redirected to the main page.
- If they try to access the main page without being logged in, they are redirected back to the login page.
- Displays a search bar and a list of Pokemon fetched from the PokeAPI.
- The list is paginated, so you can navigate through pages of Pokemon.
- Each Pokemon is displayed with its image and name.
- When a user clicks on a Pokemon from the list, a modal pops up showing detailed information about the selected Pokemon.
- The modal includes:
- Pokemon information: Pokemon's id, height and weight.
- Abilities: A list of the Pokemon's abilities.
- Moves: A list of the Pokemon's moves.
- The modal includes:
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd pokemon-app
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5173 to view the app.
: Main source code for the app.-
Contains React components like button, card,modal, etc. -
: Contains API calls to fetch Pokemon data from the PokeAPI. -
TypeScript types for various objects used in the app. -
Contains both the Home and Login page structures. -
: Main React component for the app, that handles the routing. -
: Entry point for the React app.
- The login screen prompts the user for a username and password The valid credentials are admin for both.
- If the credentials are correct, the user is logged in, and the context is updated and the user saved in the local storage.
- If the user is already logged in, they are redirected directly to the Home page.
- If the user is not logged in and tries to access the main page, they are redirected to the login page.
- The app fetches Pokemon data from the PokeAPI.
- Since the data is paginated, and the user can navigate between pages.
- Each Pokemon is displayed with its image and name, and the user can click on a Pokemon to see more details.
- Upon clicking a Pokemon from the list, a modal displays detailed information about the Pokemon.
- The modal shows the Pokemon's information, type, abilities and moves it has.
: Fast build tool for development.
: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
: Typed superset of JavaScript that enhances developer experience.
: Utility-first CSS framework for custom, responsive, and modern design.
: Public API used to fetch data about Pokemon.
Local Storage
: Used to persist the login state across sessions.
: is used as the testing framework for running the tests.
React Testing Library
: is used for testing React components and their behavior in isolation.
To run the tests, simply use the following command:
npm run test
This will run all the tests in the project and display the results in the terminal.
You can run the tests in watch mode to automatically re-run tests when changes are made to the code. To do so, use the following command:
npm run watch