This was created during my time as a student at Code Chrysalis.
TODO Management API
This API provides functionality for TODO management apps. Using this API, you will be able to do the things described below.
- You can register a TODO in the DB.
- The TODO registered in the DB can be referenced.
- You can update and delete registered TODOs in the DB.
Various APIs are available at https://localhost:3000/todos . (In the local environment)
For more information, see the Open API here.
- /todos
- GET: Get the entire TODO list.
- POST: Register a TODO.
- /todos/:id
- GET: Get the specified TODO.
- PATCH: Updates one of the items in the specified TODO.
- PUT: Replace and update the specified TODO with each resource.
- DELETE: Deletes the specified TODO.
You must install the following software and make sure that you can execute the command.
- git
- node
- yarn (or npm)
- psql
- Clone this project.
$ git clone
- Install the modules needed to launch the API.
$ yarn install
- Implement the connection information with the DB in /config/config.json. An example is given below.
"development": {
"username": "user-name",
"password": "password",
"database": "db-name",
"host": "",
"dialect": "postgresql",
"operatorsAliases": false,
"logging": false
- Launch the API.
$ yarn start
- The table is created in the DB and the test data is submitted.
$ yarn sequelize db:migrate --env development
$ yarn sequelize db:seed:all
- Run a unit test.
$ yarn test