An CLI NFC application for reading, writing, analyzing, NFC ST SRI512 and SRIX4K tags.
You can use the provided
or follow these simple steps:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
- Read EEPROM content
- Read NFC Tag information (such UID, Serial number, System bloks etc...)
- Write EEPROM to a file
- Read EEPROM from a file
- Modify block manually
- Write EEPROM file to NFC tag
- Reset OTP bits
Usage: ./nfc-srix [-v] [-y] [-t x4k|512]
-v enable verbose - print debugging data
-y nswer YES to all questions
-t x4k|512 select SRIX4K or SRI512 tag type [default: x4k]
- ISO14443B-2 ST SRx Tag IC 13.56MHz with 2 binary counters, 5 OTP blocks and anti-collision with 512-bit EEPROM in 16 BloksSRIX4
- ISO14443B-2 ST SRx or ISO14443B-3 ST SRxTag IC 13.56MHz with 2 binary counters, 5 OTP blocks and anti-collision with 4096-bit EEPROM in 128 Blocks
Compliant ST SRx tags have some blocks that, once changed,cannot be changed back to their original value.Example Counters Blocks 5 and 6. Before writing a tag, make sure you're aware of this.