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Hash Checker

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About application

Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text.

Supporting algorithms

Name Since version Status
MD5 1.0.0 Supporting
SHA-1 1.0.0 Supporting
SHA-224 1.4.0 Supporting
SHA-256 1.0.0 Supporting
SHA-384 1.4.0 Supporting
SHA-512 1.0.0 Supporting
CRC-32 2.9.0 Supporting
SHA3-224 3.6.5 Supporting
SHA3-256 3.6.5 Supporting
SHA3-384 3.6.5 Supporting
SHA3-512 3.6.5 Supporting

Screenshots (Light theme)

Screenshots (Dark theme)

Supporting languages

If you want to help with the translation (add a language or update the current one), you can create and issue here or directly download and process languages from here (reference for English, if you want to work with other language that already exists in app, find it in values folder with specific to your language code (for example, if you want to update Russian locale, it places in values-ru).

Languages in app

Language Since version Status
English 1.0.0 Translated
Español 2.9.9 Translated
Deutsch 2.9.6 Translated
Français 2.9.9 Translated
Italiano 2.9.9 Translated
Magyar 2.9.9 Translated
Nederlands 2.9.9 Translated
Norsk 3.6.9-1 Translated
Svenska 2.9.9 Translated
Ελληνικά 2.9.9 Translated
Română 3.7.0 Translated
Русский 2.9.6 Translated
Polski 2.9.9 Translated
Português (Brasil) 3.7.0 Translated
简体中文 2.9.9 Translated
한국어 2.9.9 Translated
עברית 2.9.9 Translated
فارسی 2.9.9 Translated
日本語 3.6.3 Translated
Tiếng Việt 3.6.5 Translated
မြန်မာ 3.7.1 Translated

How to use


Forum Language
4PDA Русский


Black Duck Open Hub

Privacy Policy


If you have any question or feature idea for this application, you can open an issue on this page or contact me by email [email protected].

How to contribute

Before commit, read Commit Convention . Make sure your build is green before you contribute your pull request. Then:

$ ./gradlew clean
$ ./gradlew build
$ ./gradlew -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=com.smlnskgmail.jaman.hashchecker.AndroidTestSuite connectedCheck

If you don't see any error messages, submit your pull request.


Special thanks