brew install protobuf
protoc --version
export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"
install golang pb code generator. Generate *.pb.go : service definition and message types. command protoc --go_out=
# will be installed into $(go env GOPATH)/bin
go install
# make sure verison of protoc-gen-go plugin matched with protoc
protoc-gen-go --version && protoc --version
install go grpc service code generator. Generate *_grpc.pb.go : gRPC server and client interfaces. command protoc --go-grpc_out=
# will be installed into $(go env GOPATH)/bin
go install
install go http service code generator. Generate * : GRPC-Gateway reverse-proxy definitions Http server. command protoc --grpc-gateway_out=
# will be installed into $(go env GOPATH)/bin
go install[email protected]
# also install open api doc swagger
go install
Check all binary proto plugin installed in $GOPATH/bin
cd ~ && \
git clone && \
sudo cp -a ~/googleapis/google/api /usr/local/include/google/api
Configure IDE import path to include google annotation proto
When the import path completed Then IDE will not give error in line import "google/api/annotations.proto";
protoc -I. -I/usr/local/include -I=$GOPATH/src \
--go_out=$GOPATH/src \
--go-grpc_out=$GOPATH/src \
--grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:$GOPATH/src \
brew install protobuf
protoc --version
export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"
install golang pb code generator. Generate *.pb.go : service definition and message types. command protoc --go_out=
# will be installed into $(go env GOPATH)/bin
go install
# make sure verison of protoc go plugin matched with protoc
protoc-gen-go --version && protoc --version
install go grpc service code generator. Generate *_grpc.pb.go : gRPC server and client interfaces. command protoc --go-grpc_out=
# will be installed into $(go env GOPATH)/bin
go install
install go http service code generator. Generate * : GRPC-Gateway reverse-proxy definitions Http server. command protoc --grpc-gateway_out=
# will be installed into $(go env GOPATH)/bin
go install[email protected]
# also install open api doc swagger
go install
cd ~ && \
git clone && \
sudo cp -a ~/googleapis/google/api /usr/local/include/google/api
protoc -I. -I/usr/local/include -I=$GOPATH/src \
--go_out=$GOPATH/src \
--go-grpc_out=$GOPATH/src \
--grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:$GOPATH/src \