Feifei is a slight orm frame,almost zero configuration but could config any one include custom container, running in container based on original sql,supporting query based on object and string sql query.
I want to query without any string include table,column name,because i check the spelling of letters always, and want to query with object directly but could query with sql string when i want,so i just do it. Now,feifei could`t support all sql(like call desc(column)),you can query based on original sql when you experience it.
- Latest stable Oracle JDK 8
- Latest stable Apache Maven
Note that this is build-time requirement. JDK 8 is enough to run your feifei-based application.
Add this dependency to you pom.
<!-- For latest version find maven address above -->
- Query based on original sql.
Query query = StudentQuery.create("SELECT * FROM student")
List<Student> students = query.query();
- Update based on EntityQuery.
Query query = StudentQuery.create().select(Student.create().setName("mike").setAge(13));
List<Student> students=query.query();
- Query based on entity.
Student condition = Student.create().setName("mike").setAddress("China");
Student student = condition.selectSingle();
- Insert based on original sql.
Query query = StudentQuery.create("INSERT INTO student(id,name,age) VALUES(1,'mike',15)");
- Insert based on EntityQuery.
Query query = EntityQuery.create().insert(Student.create().setName("Jenny").setAge(16).setAddress("America").setCreateTime(new Date()));
- Insert based on Entity.
Student student = Student.create().setName("Nick").setAge(10).setAddress("America").setCreateTime(new Date());
- Update based on original sql.
Query query = StudentQuery.create("UPDATE student SET name='mike'");
- Update based on EntityQuery.
Query query = EntityQuery.create().update(Student.create().setId(1).setName("MIKE"));
- Update based on Entity.
Student student = Student.create().setId(18).setName("Nick").setAge(10).setAddress("China").setCreateTime(new Date());
- Delete based on original sql.
Query query = StudentQuery.create("DELETE FROM student WHERE id=1");
- Delete based on EntityQuery.
Query query = EntityQuery.create().delete(Student.create().setName("Rose"));
- Delete based on Entity.
Student student = Student.create().setId(19);
Feifei have all default config instead of entity path.
: path of your entity(it`s necessary).queryOptions
: provide option that whether return record,return id after querying or not,auto add from phrase,auto print query result and so on.dataBaseType
: type of your database,mysql supported temporarily.connectionGet
: how to get a connection,you can implement this interface to set how to get connection,use FeiFeiPoolDatasource by default.ignore
: ignore string when database table map to entity,eg table name 't_test_student' -> 'test'nameStyle
: the name style of database table and column.cacheConfig
: config of cache,if you need to use cache.
: if false,will query from databasefireType
: type of fire cache,provide ANY(any query),THREAD(same thread),CONDITION_FIRE(config by yourself)fireCaches
: is corresponding fire type CONDITION_FIRE,implement FireCache class if you want config a condition to fire cache.cacheStoryLoad
: type of story cache,provide app cache now,will support redis cache later.fireCacheManager
: this need to ben config
: execute one sql per querying.MULTI_SQL
: execute multi sql per querying.BATCH_SQL
: execute multi sql that have same structure per querying on batch.
Detailed by class OperationType,set by call Query.queryData().setOperationType(OperationType operationType).
Query<Student> queryPage = EntityQuery.<Student>create().select(Student.create());
// You need to save this queryPage object in your session for next querying,
// It isn`t necessary call pageSize when next paging query.
Feifei close cache by default,but provide abundant cache firing condition,you can config it by yourself.
: any query will fire cache,and query from cache firstly,query from database secondly.SESSION
: query from same thread will fire cache.CONDITION_FIRE
: you can implement interface FireCache to define a condition to fire cache.
Email me,if you have any idea.
Email: [email protected]