In this project, a self-balancing robot called BD1 is designed and simulated to learn ROS2 and Control Systems.
The BD1 bot was originally designed in the Star Wars Jedi The Fallen Order video game. In this project, we have re-designed the BD1 bot for self-balancing tasks. This project is open source to robotics enthusiasts for their projects.
ROS2 Humble 🔗 with Gazebo
While installing ROS2 make sure you use this command.
sudo apt install ros-humble-desktop-full # Instead sudo apt install ros-humble-desktop
Check whether Gazebo-11 is installed using the following command.
gazebo --version
If the gazebo is not recognized, install gazebo-11 using this link. Make sure to use the appropriate distro in the command.
ROS2 binary packages
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-rosidl-typesupport-c sudo apt-get install ros-humble-joint-state-publisher sudo apt-get install ros2-controllers -y sudo apt-get install ros-humble-turtle-tf2-py ros-humble-tf2-tools ros-humble-tf-transformations sudo pip3 install transforms3d
source ROS2 and Gazebo setup.bash
in the ~/.bashrc
# For Colcon Auto-Completion
source /usr/share/colcon_argcomplete/hook/colcon-argcomplete.bash
# ROS 2 Bash
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
# Gazebo 11 Bash
source /usr/share/gazebo-11/
# ROS2 Workspace
source ~/<ROS2-Workspace>/install/setup.bash
Use bd1_properties.txt
to substitute appropriate values in A and B matrix and compute the final matrix. Use the A and B matrix to compute LQR Gain Matrix.
- assets – images, bot properties are added.
- bd1_bot_description – ROS2 python package containing all the files related to bd1_bot for simulation
- bd1_self_balancer – ROS2 python package to control and balance the bd1_bot in gazebo simulation
- designs – BD1 bot design in Fusion360, SolidWorks and SketchUp Format are attached.
- model – Robot mathematical model
- sim_world – ROS2 CPP package containing the world files for gazebo simulation
Hari Vikinesh, Jerish Abijith Singh