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通过已存在的数据库生成用于 `Midway` 的 `Sequelize` 实体。

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forked from sequelize/sequelize-auto

通过已存在的数据库生成用于 MidwaySequelize 实体。

其他详细文档和用法请参考 sequelize/sequelize-auto


npm i sequelize-auto-midway


# 推荐
# 请替换配置信息
npx sequelize-auto-midway -h localhost -d yourDBname -u root -x yourPassword -p 13306  --dialect mysql -o ./models -t task --noInitModels true --caseModel c --caseProp c --caseFile c --indentation 1 -a ./additional.json


  "timestamps": true,
  "paranoid": true


import { Column, DataType, Table, Model } from 'sequelize-typescript';

  tableName: 'task',
  timestamps: false,
  indexes: [
    name: "PRIMARY",
    unique: true,
    using: "BTREE",
    fields: [
     { name: "task_id" },
export class TaskEntity extends Model {
   autoIncrement: true,
   type: DataType.INTEGER.UNSIGNED,
   allowNull: false,
   primaryKey: true,
   field: 'task_id'
  taskId: number;

   type: DataType.TINYINT.UNSIGNED,
   allowNull: false,
   defaultValue: 0,
   comment: "任务所属应用ID: 0-无所属",
   field: 'app_id'
  appId: number;

   type: DataType.STRING(64),
   allowNull: false,
   comment: "任务名称",
   field: 'task_name'
  taskName: string;

   type: DataType.TINYINT.UNSIGNED,
   allowNull: false,
   defaultValue: 0,
   comment: "任务类别:1-cron,2-interval"
  type: number;

   type: DataType.TINYINT.UNSIGNED,
   allowNull: false,
   defaultValue: 0,
   comment: "任务状态:0-暂停中,1-启动中"
  status: number;

   type: DataType.DATE,
   allowNull: true,
   comment: "任务开始时间",
   field: 'start_time'
  startTime: string;

   type: DataType.DATE,
   allowNull: true,
   comment: "任务结束时间",
   field: 'end_time'
  endTime: string;

   type: DataType.INTEGER,
   allowNull: false,
   defaultValue: -1,
   comment: "任务执行次数"
  limit: number;

   type: DataType.STRING(128),
   allowNull: true,
   defaultValue: "",
   comment: "任务cron配置"
  cron: string;

   type: DataType.INTEGER.UNSIGNED,
   allowNull: true,
   defaultValue: 0,
   comment: "任务执行间隔时间"
  every: number;

   type: DataType.STRING(255),
   allowNull: true,
   comment: "参数"
  args: string;

   type: DataType.STRING(255),
   allowNull: true,
   comment: "备注"
  remark: string;

Use npx sequelize-auto-midway --help to see all available parameters with their descriptions. Some basic parameters below:

Usage: npx sequelize-auto-midway -h <host> -d <database> -p [port] -u <user> -x
[password] -e [engine]

    --help               Show help                                   [boolean]
    --version            Show version number                         [boolean]
-h, --host               IP/Hostname for the database.                [string]
-d, --database           Database name.                               [string]
-u, --user               Username for database.                       [string]
-x, --pass               Password for database. If specified without providing
                          a password, it will be requested interactively from
                          the terminal.
-p, --port               Port number for database (not for sqlite). Ex:
                          MySQL/MariaDB: 3306, Postgres: 5432, MSSQL: 1433
-c, --config             Path to JSON file for Sequelize-Auto options and
                          Sequelize's constructor "options" flag object as
                          defined here:
-o, --output             What directory to place the models.          [string]
-e, --dialect            The dialect/engine that you're using: postgres,
                          mysql, sqlite, mssql                         [string]
-a, --additional         Path to JSON file containing model options (for all
                          tables). See the options:
    --indentation        Number of spaces to indent                   [number]
-t, --tables             Space-separated names of tables to import     [array]
-T, --skipTables         Space-separated names of tables to skip       [array]
--caseModel, --cm        Set case of model names: c|l|o|p|u
                          c = camelCase
                          l = lower_case
                          o = original (default)
                          p = PascalCase
                          u = UPPER_CASE
--caseProp, --cp         Set case of property names: c|l|o|p|u
--caseFile, --cf         Set case of file names: c|l|o|p|u|k
                          k = kebab-case
--noAlias                Avoid creating alias `as` property in relations
--noInitModels           Prevent writing the init-models file        [boolean]
-n, --noWrite            Prevent writing the models to disk          [boolean]
-s, --schema             Database schema from which to retrieve tables[string]
-v, --views              Include database views in generated models  [boolean]
-l, --lang               Language for Model output: es5|es6|esm|ts
                          es5 = ES5 CJS modules (default)
                          es6 = ES6 CJS modules
                          esm = ES6 ESM modules
                          ts = TypeScript                             [string]
--useDefine              Use `sequelize.define` instead of `init` for es6|esm|ts
--singularize, --sg      Singularize model and file names from plural table



通过已存在的数据库生成用于 `Midway` 的 `Sequelize` 实体。







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