This is slack bot for re:dash.
- Take a screen capture of visualization
- Bot can handle message format like
@botname <visualization URL>
- example:
- example:
- Bot can handle message format like
Clone this repository, then
$ npm install
$ export REDASH_HOST=
$ export REDASH_API_KEY=your-redash-api-key
$ export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=your-slack-bot-token
$ node index.js
You can easy to deploy redashbot to Heroku, just click following button.
Slack's Bot User Token
Re:dash's URL and its API Key.
Re:dash' URL accessible from the bot.
If you want to use multiple Re:dash at once, specify this variable like below
or if you need to specify REDASH_HOST_ALIAS for each Re:dash, like below
Message events this bot reacts. Available values are listd in Its default is direct_message,direct_mention,mention