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IMEI Validator

Live Demo


  • IMEI validation checks in App\Classes\Imei
  • Luhn Algorithm Checksum validation check in App\Classes\Checksum (extracted from main IMEI class to DRY up code)

Installation & Run

  1. Download repository from Github
  2. Add .env file to project root - provided via email
  3. Run composer install in project root
  4. Run php artisan serve in project root (Unix systems)
  5. In browser, navigate to local web address (e.g.
  6. Enter desired IMEI number(s) into form & submit
  7. If valid, a results page will display the IMEI number parsed
  8. If invalid, an error page will be displayed with issue flagged
    1. Validation requirement: string must not be empty
    2. Validation requirement: 15 digits in length -> Invalid length
    3. Validation requirement: numeric input -> Invalid type: non-numeric
    4. Validation requirement: Luhn algorithm checksum -> Invalid checksum
  9. Run php aritsan test in project root to run automated tests
    1. Test cases can be found in: Tests\Feature\ImeiTest
      1. success - a successful form submission
      2. fail length - incorrect string length
      3. fail numeric - string is a non-numeric
      4. fail checksum - string fails Luhn checksum
      5. fail empty - string is empty

Programming Language / Framework / Library

  • Created with a standard vanilla Laravel PHP application
  • Running code from Unix system (built locally on Mac, deployed on Ubuntu)
  • Used Laravel Valet for local development
    • PHP Version: 8.1
    • Database: N/A
    • Other services: N/A


  • Developers can utilize this app/library in several different ways:
    • On demand web tool to validate IMEI numbers
    • Predefined rules to confirm IMEI validity before usage
    • Code is extracted into two main classes for validation: IMEI & Checksum (Luhn Algorithm)
      • These two classes can be built upon further, extended, etc. for more complex operations, process, etc.


  • Desired tool should be built into web application
  • Did not want applicant to add additional development time for initial build out of independent Composer package and then integrate into web app
  • Did not want applicant to implement Form Request helpers for basic validation (string length, numeric)

Future Improvements

  • Extract IMEI and Checksum data further into independent PHP Composer package
  • Add API wrapper functionality and JSON handling for possible microservice
  • Protect tool(s) with some basic form of authentication
  • Add SSL certificates to demo site (e.g. Let's Encrypt)
  • Add standardized Code Sniffing, Style Enforcement, and tests runners into automated Github Actions