Plataforma (CMS libre) pensada y creada para que cualquier organización, colectivo o institución pueda contar con una herramienta eficaz para la optimización de su trabajo en el día a día. A través de Federica puedes gestionar tanto tus capitales humanos, físicos y simbólicos a través de un sencillo sistema web en el que hacer que la participación sea de la manera más fluida posible.
Bootstrap v3.0.2 is included.
This app uses MongoDB. Therefore, you will need to either have it installed locally, or use one of the cloud providers and configure it in your props file. See config.MongoConfig for more info.
A fig.yml
file is included if you're using fig.
This app requires sbt. To build for the first time, run:
bash$ sbt
> ~;container:start; container:reload /
That will start the app and automatically reload it whenever sources are modified. It will be running on http://localhost:8080
The less-sbt plugin is used to compile the bootstrap less files as well as your own.
acts a manifest file that lists all of the other less files that are to be included in the build.src/main/less/variables.less
is for setting colors, fonts, etc.src/main/less/custom.less
is where you can add custom styles for your app.src/main/less/bootstrap
are the original files and should not be changed.
You can also add other less files to the build by adding them to styles.less.
Note: In order to trigger sbt to re-compile the less files, you need to save styles.less.
The sbt-closure plugin is used to compile JavaScript files.
is the JavaScript manifest file that lists all of the JavaScript files that are to be included in the build.
Note: In order to trigger sbt to re-compile the JavaScript files, you need to save script.jsm.
This app implements the Mongoauth Lift Module. The registration and login implementation is based on research done by Google a few years ago and is similar to and It's different than what most people seem to expect, but it can easily be changed to suit your needs since most of the code is part of your project.