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Hack Club CSS

Hack Club's theme implemented as CSS.

  • Use our css-starter for a blank but ready website template that already includes our theme CSS.
  • View the contribute repository for an example of our CSS theme in action.

Getting Started with Hack Club CSS

  1. Create a new folder for your site
  2. Add a style.css file inside your folder
  3. Add an index.html page inside your folder
  4. Link to the CSS files in the <head> tag of your HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <!-- HQ-only. -->
  1. View for a visual representation of our theme
  2. View for the documentation of the tags in our theme
  3. Run your static site locally with python -m SimpleHTTPServer and view it at http://localhost:8000/
  4. Have fun and get creative making websites!


To run the site locally, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Start up a server (or open the index.html file in your browser):
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

And then visit to see the site!

Accessing The Stylesheets

Get the latest theme stylesheet:

Get the latest minified theme stylesheet:

(HQ-only) Get the latest fonts stylesheet:

(HQ-only) Get the latest minified fonts stylesheet:


To access theme.css at commit ID d0888dc use

Similarly, to access fonts.min.css at commit SHA cbe01ca9a4de7bc7a5b1048d887287dfedba0a07 use

This can be done for every commit in this repository.


The stylesheet places light styling on the following tags: <button />, <input />, <textarea />, <select />, <label />, <h1 />, <h2 />, <h3 />, <h4 /> , <h5 />, <h6 />, <p />, <img />, <hr />, <a />, <pre />, <code />, <li />, <table />, <th /> & <td />.

More opinionated theming is provided by addition classes. CSS variables enable more refined styling by the developer.



To create a card element use the .card class.

The following modifcations are available:

  • .sunken a card without shadows and uses the --sunken colour
  • .interactive a card that grows on hover, to indicate the ability to click it


Headings should be created using standard <h1..> tags.

The following modifcations are available (through classes):

  • .ultratitle a very large title
  • .title a moderatly large title
  • .subtitle a smaller title
  • .headline for use in large bodies of text, provides margins around the title
  • .subheadline smaller version of .headline
  • .eyebrow a gray, all-caps title for use as an alternative visually
  • .lead has a font weight of 400
  • .caption is for image captions


These are small rounded objects to highlight key information.

The following variants are available:

  • .pill this is the standard badge with a colour background
  • .outline-badge a transparent badge


A standard button can be created with the <button /> element.

The following variants are available:

  • .lg larger button
  • .outline a transparent button
  • .cta a button with a gradient background to provide more emphasis


These are boxes are varying length to hold content in. Create one with the .container class.

The widths available are: wide, .container (the standard without a modifier class), .copy & .narrow.

For containers of different widths use both the .container class and the width modifier class (e.g .copy).

CSS Variables

The CSS vars made available are as follows:


--darker: #121217;
--dark: #17171d;
--darkless: #252429;
--black: #1f2d3d;
--steel: #273444;
--slate: #3c4858;
--muted: #8492a6;
--smoke: #e0e6ed;
--snow: #f9fafc;
--white: #ffffff;
--red: #ec3750;
--orange: #ff8c37;
--yellow: #f1c40f;
--green: #33d6a6;
--cyan: #5bc0de;
--blue: #338eda;
--purple: #a633d6;
--text: var(--black);
--background: var(--white);
--elevated: var(--white);
--sheet: var(--snow);
--sunken: var(--smoke);
--border: var(--smoke);
--primary: #ec3750;
--secondary: #8492a6;
--accent: #5bc0de;
--twitter: #1da1f2;
--facebook: #3b5998;
--instagram: #e1306c;


--breakpoint-xs: 32em;
--breakpoint-s: 48em;
--breakpoint-m: 64em;
--breakpoint-l: 96em;
--breakpoint-xl: 128em;


--spacing-0: 0px;
--spacing-1: 4px;
--spacing-2: 8px;
--spacing-3: 16px;
--spacing-4: 32px;
--spacing-5: 64px;
--spacing-6: 128px;
--spacing-7: 256px;
--spacing-8: 512px;

Font Sizes

--font-1: 12px;
--font-2: 16px;
--font-3: 20px;
--font-4: 24px;
--font-5: 32px;
--font-6: 48px;
--font-6: 64px;
--font-7: 96px;
--font-8: 128px;
--font-9: 160px;
--font-10: 192px;

Line Heights

--line-height-limit: 0.875;
--line-height-title: 1;
--line-height-heading: 1.125;
--line-height-subheading: 1.25;
--line-height-caption: 1.375;
--line-height-body: 1.5;

Font Weights

--font-weight-body: 400;
--font-weight-bold: 700;
--font-weight-heading: var(--font-weight-bold);

Letter Spacing

--letter-spacing-title: -0.009em;
--letter-spacing-headline: 0.009em;

Box Sizes (Widths)

--size-wide-plus: 2048px;
--size-wide: 1536px;
--size-layout-plus: 1200px;
--size-layout: 1024px;
--size-copy-ultra: 980px;
--size-copy-plus: 768px;
--size-copy: 680px;
--size-narrow-plus: 600px;
--size-narrow: 512px;

Border Radii

--radii-small: 4px;
--radii-default: 8px;
--radii-extra: 12px;
--radii-ultra: 16px;
--radii-circle: 99999px;


--shadow-text: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
--shadow-small: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0625),
  0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0625);
--shadow-card: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
--shadow-elevated: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0625),
  0 8px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);