SUES CS Graduation Project. Crawling and Visualization of Meteorological Data System Based on Python.
You Can Visit:
It's Based on Project RainGod_GUI.
The Full Project Includes ——
- Configuration Files "default" and "nginx.conf". "default" is in /etc/nginx/sites-available/ , and "nginx.conf" is in /etc/nginx/ . The Configuration Includes HTTPS and SSL Certification, so You Must Have Them, They are in /etc/nginx/cert/ .
- Python: Python 3.9.4 ×64 (Anaconda 3 ×64 2020.7, conda 4.9.2). To be Honest, Use JetBrains PyCharm Professional + Anaconda 3 Virtual Environment(Default, Latest).
- MySQL: MySQL 8.0.21 ×64 Community Server. To be Honest, "apt install mysql-server" and "apt install mysql-client" on the Linux Ubuntu Server(Default, Latest).
- ECharts: ECharts 5.0.2 (echarts.min.js).
- jQuery: jQuery 3.6.0 (jquery-3.6.0min.js).
- Nginx: Nginx 1.18.0 (Ubuntu).
- Beautiful Soup 4: Beautiful Soup 4.9.3;
- Flask: Flask 1.1.2;
- lxml: lxml 4.6.3;
- PyMySQL: PyMySQL 1.0.2;
- Selenium: Selenium 3.141.0;
- uwsgi: uWSGI x64.
- Multiprocessing;
- os;
- sys;
- Traceback;
- Time;
- Random;
- Datetime.
Project Weather Website Data Source:
The Project is Deployed in the Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service(ECS), and the OS is Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-65-generic x86_64).
Thanks for My Friends' Helps. Yuxin Wang Helps to Design UI and Design Images; Dexter Cai and Hyneman Kan Give Me Technical Direction. Thank Other Friends More Or Less for Their Help.
And Thanks to My Mentor.