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Releases: gwdevhub/GWToolboxpp


29 Jun 20:45
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  • [Minor] Changed UI layout of travel window
  • [Minor] /tp [zm, zv, zb] now does the same as /zm take or /zm travel
  • [New] Added highlight info and right click menu to daily quests window to make doing dailies easier
  • [New] Added option to hide gw compass when toolbox minimap is active
  • [Fix] Fixed compass being hidden when toolbox starts
  • [Fix] Fixed alcohol being spammed too much
  • [Fix] Fixed rounding issues for SkillMonitor width causing wrong pixel offsets
  • [Fix] Fixed crash when offering an item to trade that is already already offered


25 Jun 09:15
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6.22_Beta1 Pre-release
  • [Fix] Fixed compass being hidden when toolbox starts
  • [Fix] Fixed alcohol being spammed too much
  • [New] Added highlight info and right click menu to daily quests window to make doing dailies easier


24 Jun 16:30
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  • [Fix] Party widgets do not disappear when party members are out of compass range
  • [Fix] Minimap does not disappear when spectating
  • [Fix] /deposit works with model ids now
  • [Fix] open chest hotkey now works (still, prefer using the setting to automatically open locked chests in GameSettings)
  • [Fix] fixes update mode showing as unticked if you selected "never update"
  • [Removed] open locked chest hotkeys. Use the "automatically open chests with keys (or lockpicks)" in GameSettings instead.
  • [New] Added /wanted take, /zb take, /zm take, /zc take, /zv take to take Zaishen/daily quests and travel to the next quest outpost
  • [New] Added salvage info and nicholas info to item
  • [New] Added option to hide gw compass flagging controls
  • [New] Automatically send a party invite when a party search invite is sent


19 Jun 07:05
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6.21_Beta2 Pre-release
  • [Fix] fixes update mode showing as unticked if you selected "never update"
  • [Removed] open locked chest hotkeys. Use the "automatically open chests with keys (or lockpicks)" in GameSettings instead.


16 Jun 16:45
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6.21_Beta1 Pre-release
  • [Fix] Party widgets do not disappear when party members are out of compass range
  • [Fix] Minimap does not disappear when spectating
  • [Fix] /deposit works with model ids now
  • [Fix] open chest hotkey now works (still, prefer using the setting to automatically open locked chests in GameSettings)


13 Jun 21:47
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  • [Minor] Added warning message when rerolling to a character that is currently in a map that toolbox won't work in e.g. guild hall
  • [Minor] /tb load now dynamically enables/disables modules when run
  • [Minor] Fixed some layout errors when Party damage widget is snapped to the in-game UI.
  • [Minor] Fixed some layout errors when Skill monitor widget is snapped to the in-game UI.
  • [Minor] Fixed some layout errors when Bond monitor damage is snapped to the in-game UI.
  • [Minor] Fixed some layout errors when Effect monitor is snapped to the in-game UI.
  • [Minor] Force Party damage/skill/bond/effect monitor snapped to in-game UI.
  • [Minor] Added option to turn the whisper redirect feature of the friend list window module off.
  • [Minor] Added missing deldrimor paragon armor to armory module
  • [Minor] Added option to exclude nicholas items from bulk salvage
  • [Minor] Updated /deposit command to allow more options; see chat commands section in help.
  • [New] Added nicholas info when hovering an applicable item
  • [New] Added option to bypass item quantity selection when dropping/moving/trading items (hold shift to prompt when enabled)
  • [New] Added ability to create a Hero build template from current setup via the Hero build window
  • [New] Added /call command to ping current target
  • [Fix] Fixed toolbox not loading up on first run due to missing fonts
  • [Fix] Fixed hotkeys being triggered by typing keys before map change
  • [Fix] Fixed crash caused by triggering hotkeys just before map change
  • [Fix] Fixed bugs related to the whisper redirect feature of the friend list window module.
  • [Fix] Fixed bug causing layout errors for snapped UI widgets when screen is small.
  • [Fix] Fixed spammy errors caused by issues fetching salvage info for hovered items
  • [Fix] Fixed crash caused by spectating heroes when you're dead
  • [Fix] Fixed bug causing items offered in trade to be removed when hovering
  • [Fix] Fixed crash when trading with "hide item descriptions" enabled


15 May 21:58
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  • [Removed] Toolbox no longer works in Guild Halls. This is intentional.
  • [New] Salvage information module added
  • [Minor] TravelWindow: Renamed minimize_on_travel to collapse_on_travel, default false
  • [Minor] Toolbox now respects fetch_salvage_info checkbox
  • [Minor] Removed outdated move_to_cast help
  • [Fix] Show All Areas (world map widget) no longer disables guild/ally chat buttons
  • [Fix] replying to Twitch (TwitchModule) correctly sends to twitch chat now
  • [Fix] Fixed option to flash gw window when player is pinged
  • [Fix] Fixed show notification/flash window on invite not saving
  • [Fix] Fixed crash when trying to withdraw to character without unlocked bags
  • [Fix] ChatFilter blocking ally drops no longer blocks drop messages for the player
  • [Fix] Fixed bug preventing URLs being sent as templates in whispers
  • [Fix] Fixed bug causing "I'm following X" messages from ignored players to still be shown
  • [Fix] Fixed bug preventing /offline chat command from working
  • [Fix] Fixed bug showing the wrong points for devotion in the completion window


01 May 19:12
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  • [New] Added a release channel option to the toolbox updating functionality
  • [New] Draw all quests option (Minimap) now offers to draw non-active quests in a different colour
  • [Minor] /target can now target players, previously it required /target player
  • [Minor] Minimap targetting is now able to target locked chests again
  • [Minor] You can now create multiple chat aliases with the same alias, i.e. /hi !sayinghello and /hi /wave
  • [Minor] Disable camera smoothing now works while reverse camera is active
  • [Minor] /marktarget can now highlight other players
  • [Fix] Hide city pcons in explorable areas now saves and loads
  • [Fix] Real time timer no longer resets on entering explorables if never reset is ticked
  • [Fix] Minimap drawing is fluent again
  • [Fix] Travelling to a pvp outpost while mouse hovers over toolbox windows no longer blocks left clicks
  • [Fix] Draw all quests no longer switches your active quest around
  • [Fix] reroll confirmation now waits for a separate enter press, rather than a forced wait of 500ms


13 Apr 16:27
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  • [Minor] /dialog take can now be used the take bounties
  • [Minor] Current character is highlighted in Reroll window now
  • [Minor] Added option to colour outgoing whispers blue, instead of always doing so
  • [Fix] Fixed dialog hotkeys
  • [Fix] Fixed salvaging and storing functionality
  • [Fix] Disabled toolbox in PvP explorables as well
  • [Fix] Fixed bug preventing minimap flag buttons from working
  • [Fix] Capitalised chat aliases work again
  • [Fix] Fixed autoclicker not being possible to turn off
  • [Fix] Completionwindow EotN is correctly tracked again
  • [Fix] Fixed urls not being turned into templates when sending to chat
  • [Fix] Fixed tb not being disabled fully in pvp
  • [Fix] Fixed crash on world map when toggling "view all areas" in cantha


11 Apr 18:55
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  • [Update] Compatibility with GW Version 37.363
  • [Removed] Toolbox no longer works in PvP. This is intentional.
  • [New] Added option to show quest markers for all quests on the minimap
  • [New] Added /bonds chat command
  • [New] Added XP scrolls to pcon window
  • [Minor] Completion window stores mission state
  • [Minor] Added texture creation tracking to info window
  • [Minor] Added lockpicks to pcons window
  • [Minor] Fixed skill monitor cast indication for half-casttime casts
  • [Minor] Reordered the armory window pieces to ingame order
  • [Fix] Fixed gw crash when using /chat without an argument
  • [Fix] Fixed bonds not showing for allies like summoning stones
  • [Fix] Fixed minimap not taking inputs when it was snapped to compass, but size and position were unlocked