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Go - Golang

This repository was created to study Golang concepts including GoRoutines, testing, database (sqlite3), RabbitMQ, docker and K8S (Kubernetes)

Gopher studying

First class
Second class
Third class


How to Use

To run the project, you must have the dependencies installed, then run the commands below

remember to clone db.sqlite3 to the location of the file being executed

Run on Windows

To execute the API run the command below

The API run on 8888 port
To access the API use the URL: http://localhost:8888/order
Method: POST
Body: {price: 10.00, tax: 1.5}

  go run cmd/api/main.go

OR execute the executable file


To execute the consumer for rabbitMQ run the command below

To run the rabbitMQ with docker run the command: docker-compose up -d
To access rabbitMQ management open the link: http://localhost:15672
User: guest
Password: guest

  go run cmd/order/main.go

To send a message to rabbitMQ run the command below

  go run cmd/publisher/main.go

OR execute the executable file


Run on Unix (Linux and Mac)

Need to have Golang installed To execute the API run the command below

The API run on 8888 port
To access the API use the URL: http://localhost:8888/order
Method: POST
Body: {price: 10.00, tax: 1.5}

  make go_api


  go run cmd/api/main.go

To execute the consumer for rabbitMQ run the command below

To run the rabbitMQ with docker run the command: docker-compose up -d
To access rabbitMQ management open the link: http://localhost:15672
User: guest
Password: guest

  make go_msg


  go run cmd/order/main.go

To send a message to rabbitMQ run the command below

  go run cmd/publisher/main.go

OR execute the executable file


To execute the project with k8s run the command below (need to have kind installed)

  make k8s_up

This command will create the cluster, pod and service

To clear the project with k8s run the command below

  make k8s_down

This command will delete the cluster, the pod and the service that was created

Go Tips

Go Routines

Go has its own Threads, which are known as Go Routines: Co-Routines / userland / light threads / green and consume 2kb of memory

Gopher Go Routines

Go Channels

Go Channels was created to solve race conditions

Race Conditions

Race condition is a common problem that occurs in concurrent programming, where two threads modify the same resource simultaneously, which can generate unexpected results.

Gopher Go Channels

Gopher Go Channels

Gopher Go Channels

start project

  go mod init

Test project

  go test ./...

Install packages

  go mod tidy

Close DB

  defer db.Close()

defer is used to perform the action after the function that called it returns


Create Cluster with Kind

  kind create cluster

Get cluster information

  kubectl cluster-info

View the nodes

  kubectl get nodes

Create the Pod

  kubectl create -f pod.yaml

Delete the Pod

  kubectl delete -f pod.yaml

View Pods

  kubectl get pods

View Pods in more detail

  kubectl get pods -o wide

Create a service

  kubectl create -f service.yaml

View services

  kubectl get svc

View services in more detail

  kubectl get svc -o wide

Delete the service

  kubectl delete -f service.yaml

Run the service locally

  kubectl port-forward svc/goapp-service 8888:8888


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