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I've changed the default branch from "master" to "main" to remove a
metaphor of oppression (if only in a symbolic manner).

If you have a local copy of poppr on your system, you can update the
branch by using the following commands:

 git checkout master
 git branch -m master main
 git fetch
 git branch --unset-upstream
 git branch -u origin/main
 git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD refs/remotes/origin/main

I've also deprecated "blacklist" in favor of "exclude" because that is a
clearer descriptor of the option.
  • Loading branch information
zkamvar committed Jun 12, 2020
1 parent a764061 commit 0801647
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Showing 21 changed files with 268 additions and 119 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: poppr
Type: Package
Title: Genetic Analysis of Populations with Mixed Reproduction
Version: 2.8.6
Version: 2.8.7
Authors@R: c(person(c("Zhian", "N."), "Kamvar", role = c("cre", "aut"),
email = "[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-1458-7108")),
person(c("Javier", "F."), "Tabima", role = "aut",
Expand Down
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
poppr 2.8.7


* The argument `blacklist` has been deprecated in favor of `exclude` for the
following functions: `bruvo.msn()`, `poppr.msn()`, `clonecorrect()`, `poppr()`,
`mlg.table()`, `mlg.crosspop()`, and `popsub()`. It will be removed in the
poppr version 2.9


* The default branch for the repository is now "main", so development versions
will install `remotes::install_github("grunwaldlab/poppr@main")`

poppr 2.8.6

Expand Down
25 changes: 20 additions & 5 deletions R/Index_calculations.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,9 +69,11 @@
#' population names (accessed via \code{\link[adegenet]{popNames}}).
#' Defaults to "ALL".
#' @param blacklist a list of character strings or integers to indicate specific
#' populations to be removed from analysis. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param exclude a \code{vector} of population names or indexes that the user
#' wishes to discard. Default to \code{NULL}.
#' @param blacklist DEPRECATED, use exclude.
#' @param sample an integer indicating the number of permutations desired to
#' obtain p-values. Sampling will shuffle genotypes at each locus to simulate
#' a panmictic population using the observed genotypes. Calculating the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,7 +303,7 @@
#' }
#' @import adegenet ggplot2 vegan
poppr <- function(dat, total = TRUE, sublist = "ALL", blacklist = NULL,
poppr <- function(dat, total = TRUE, sublist = "ALL", exclude = NULL, blacklist = NULL,
sample = 0, method = 1, missing = "ignore", cutoff = 0.05,
quiet = FALSE, clonecorrect = FALSE, strata = 1, keep = 1,
plot = TRUE, hist = TRUE, index = "rbarD", minsamp = 10,
Expand All @@ -322,6 +324,19 @@ poppr <- function(dat, total = TRUE, sublist = "ALL", blacklist = NULL,
namelist <- NULL
hist <- plot
callpop <-
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
"Please use `exclude` in the future"
immediate. = TRUE
exclude <- blacklist
if (!"system.file", callpop)[1])){
popsplt <- unlist(strsplit(dat, "/"))
namelist$File <- popsplt[length(popsplt)]
Expand All @@ -336,7 +351,7 @@ poppr <- function(dat, total = TRUE, sublist = "ALL", blacklist = NULL,
poplist <- NULL
poplist$Total <- dat
} else {
dat <- popsub(x$GENIND, sublist = sublist, blacklist = blacklist)
dat <- popsub(x$GENIND, sublist = sublist, exclude = exclude)
if (any(levels(pop(dat)) == "")) {
levels(pop(dat))[levels(pop(dat)) == ""] <- "?"
warning("missing population factor replaced with '?'")
Expand Down
19 changes: 16 additions & 3 deletions R/bruvo.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ bruvo.boot <- function(pop, replen = 1, add = TRUE, loss = TRUE, sample = 100,
bruvo.msn <- function (gid, replen = 1, add = TRUE, loss = TRUE,
mlg.compute = "original",
palette = topo.colors,
sublist = "All", blacklist = NULL, vertex.label = "MLG",
sublist = "All", exclude = NULL, blacklist = NULL, vertex.label = "MLG",
gscale = TRUE, glim = c(0,0.8), gadj = 3, gweight = 1,
wscale = TRUE, showplot = TRUE,
include.ties = FALSE, threshold = NULL,
Expand All @@ -551,6 +551,19 @@ bruvo.msn <- function (gid, replen = 1, add = TRUE, loss = TRUE,
if (!inherits(gid@mlg, "MLG")){
gid@mlg <- new("MLG", gid@mlg)
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
"Please use `exclude` in the future"
immediate. = TRUE
exclude <- blacklist

Expand All @@ -572,8 +585,8 @@ bruvo.msn <- function (gid, replen = 1, add = TRUE, loss = TRUE,

gadj <- ifelse(gweight == 1, gadj, -gadj)

if (toupper(sublist[1]) != "ALL" | !is.null(blacklist)){
gid <- popsub(gid, sublist, blacklist)
if (toupper(sublist[1]) != "ALL" | !is.null(exclude)){
gid <- popsub(gid, sublist, exclude)

# Updating the MLG with filtered data
Expand Down
53 changes: 34 additions & 19 deletions R/data_subset.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -211,9 +211,11 @@ clonecorrect <- function(pop, strata = 1, combine = FALSE, keep = 1){
#' @param sublist a \code{vector} of population names or indexes that the user
#' wishes to keep. Default to \code{"ALL"}.
#' @param blacklist a \code{vector} of population names or indexes that the user
#' @param exclude a \code{vector} of population names or indexes that the user
#' wishes to discard. Default to \code{NULL}.
#' @param blacklist DEPRECATED, use exclude.
#' @param mat a \code{matrix} object produced by \code{\link{mlg.table}} to be
#' subsetted. If this is present, the subsetted matrix will be returned instead
#' of the genind object
Expand All @@ -231,26 +233,39 @@ clonecorrect <- function(pop, strata = 1, combine = FALSE, keep = 1){
#' popNames(microbov)
#' # Analyze only the populations with exactly 50 individuals
#' mic.50 <- popsub(microbov, sublist=c(1:6, 11:15), blacklist=c(3,4,13,14))
#' mic.50 <- popsub(microbov, sublist=c(1:6, 11:15), exclude=c(3,4,13,14))
#' \dontrun{
#' # Analyze the first 10 populations, except for "Bazadais"
#' mic.10 <- popsub(microbov, sublist=1:10, blacklist="Bazadais")
#' mic.10 <- popsub(microbov, sublist=1:10, exclude="Bazadais")
#' # Take out the two smallest populations
#' micbig <- popsub(microbov, blacklist=c("NDama", "Montbeliard"))
#' micbig <- popsub(microbov, exclude=c("NDama", "Montbeliard"))
#' # Analyze the two largest populations
#' miclrg <- popsub(microbov, sublist=c("BlondeAquitaine", "Charolais"))
#' }
#' @export

popsub <- function(gid, sublist="ALL", blacklist=NULL, mat=NULL, drop=TRUE){
popsub <- function(gid, sublist="ALL", exclude=NULL, blacklist=NULL, mat=NULL, drop=TRUE){

if (!is.genind(gid) & !is(gid, "genlight")){
stop("popsub requires a genind or genlight object\n")
if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
"Please use `exclude` in the future"
immediate. = TRUE
exclude <- blacklist
if (is.null(pop(gid))){
if (![1]) && sublist[1] != "ALL")
warning("No population structure. Subsetting not taking place.")
Expand All @@ -259,7 +274,7 @@ popsub <- function(gid, sublist="ALL", blacklist=NULL, mat=NULL, drop=TRUE){
orig_list <- sublist
popnames <- popNames(gid)
if (toupper(sublist[1]) == "ALL"){
if (is.null(blacklist)){
if (is.null(exclude)){
} else {
# filling the sublist with all of the population names.
Expand All @@ -277,25 +292,25 @@ popsub <- function(gid, sublist="ALL", blacklist=NULL, mat=NULL, drop=TRUE){

# Treating anything present in blacklist.
if (!is.null(blacklist)){
# Treating anything present in exclude.
if (!is.null(exclude)){

# If both the sublist and blacklist are numeric or character.
if (is.numeric(sublist) & is.numeric(blacklist) | class(sublist) == class(blacklist)){
sublist <- sublist[!sublist %in% blacklist]
} else if (is.numeric(sublist) & class(blacklist) == "character"){
# if the sublist is numeric and blacklist is a character. eg s=1:10, b="USA"
sublist <- sublist[sublist %in% which(!popnames %in% blacklist)]
# If both the sublist and exclude are numeric or character.
if (is.numeric(sublist) & is.numeric(exclude) | class(sublist) == class(exclude)){
sublist <- sublist[!sublist %in% exclude]
} else if (is.numeric(sublist) & class(exclude) == "character"){
# if the sublist is numeric and exclude is a character. eg s=1:10, b="USA"
sublist <- sublist[sublist %in% which(!popnames %in% exclude)]
} else {
# no sublist specified. Ideal situation
if(all(popnames %in% sublist)){
sublist <- sublist[-blacklist]
sublist <- sublist[-exclude]
} else {
# weird situation where the user will specify a certain sublist, yet
# index the blacklist numerically. Interpreted as an index of
# index the exclude numerically. Interpreted as an index of
# populations in the whole data set as opposed to the sublist.
warning("Blacklist is numeric. Interpreting blacklist as the index of the population in the total data set.")
sublist <- sublist[!sublist %in% popnames[blacklist]]
warning("exclude is numeric. Interpreting exclude as the index of the population in the total data set.")
sublist <- sublist[!sublist %in% popnames[exclude]]
Expand All @@ -315,7 +330,7 @@ popsub <- function(gid, sublist="ALL", blacklist=NULL, mat=NULL, drop=TRUE){
stop(unmatched_pops_warning(popNames(gid), orig_list))
} else {
nothing_warn <- paste("Nothing present in the sublist.\n",
"Perhaps the sublist and blacklist arguments have",
"Perhaps the sublist and exclude arguments have",
"duplicate entries?\n",
"Subset not taking place.")
Expand Down
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions R/internal.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,37 +181,37 @@ round.poppr <- Vectorize(function(x){
# Internal functions utilizing this function:
# ## none
sub_index <- function(pop, sublist="ALL", blacklist=NULL){
sub_index <- function(pop, sublist="ALL", exclude=NULL){
numList <- seq(nInd(pop))
if (is.null(pop(pop))){
if(toupper(sublist[1]) == "ALL"){
if (is.null(blacklist)){
if (is.null(exclude)){
} else {
# filling the sublist with all of the population names.
sublist <- popNames(pop)
# Treating anything present in blacklist.
if (!is.null(blacklist)){
# If both the sublist and blacklist are numeric or character.
if (is.numeric(sublist) & is.numeric(blacklist) | class(sublist) == class(blacklist)){
sublist <- sublist[!sublist %in% blacklist]
} else if (is.numeric(sublist) & class(blacklist) == "character"){
# if the sublist is numeric and blacklist is a character. eg s=1:10, b="USA"
sublist <- sublist[sublist %in% which(!popNames(pop) %in% blacklist)]
# Treating anything present in exclude.
if (!is.null(exclude)){
# If both the sublist and exclude are numeric or character.
if (is.numeric(sublist) & is.numeric(exclude) | class(sublist) == class(exclude)){
sublist <- sublist[!sublist %in% exclude]
} else if (is.numeric(sublist) & class(exclude) == "character"){
# if the sublist is numeric and exclude is a character. eg s=1:10, b="USA"
sublist <- sublist[sublist %in% which(!popNames(pop) %in% exclude)]
} else {
# no sublist specified. Ideal situation
if(all(popNames(pop) %in% sublist)){
sublist <- sublist[-blacklist]
sublist <- sublist[-exclude]
} else {
# weird situation where the user will specify a certain sublist, yet index
# the blacklist numerically. Interpreted as an index of populations in the
# the exclude numerically. Interpreted as an index of populations in the
# whole data set as opposed to the sublist.
warning("Blacklist is numeric. Interpreting blacklist as the index of the population in the total data set.")
sublist <- sublist[!sublist %in% popNames(pop)[blacklist]]
warning("Blacklist is numeric. Interpreting exclude as the index of the population in the total data set.")
sublist <- sublist[!sublist %in% popNames(pop)[exclude]]
Expand All @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ sub_index <- function(pop, sublist="ALL", blacklist=NULL){
sublist <- pop(pop) %in% sublist
if (sum(sublist) == 0){
warning("All items present in Sublist are also present in the Blacklist.\nSubsetting not taking place.")
warning("All items present in sublist are also present in exclude.\nSubsetting not taking place.")
#cat("Sublist:\n", sublist,"\n")
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions R/messages.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,3 +273,12 @@ uninformative_loci_message <- function(pop, glocivals, alocivals, locivals,
msg <- paste("\n", fmsg, "\n", gmsg, "\n", amsg)

option_deprecated <- function(the_call, option, replacement, version, extra) {
names(the_call)[names(the_call) == option] <- replacement
CALL <- as.character(deparse(the_call))
msg <- paste("the option", option, "is deprecated as of poppr version")
msg <- paste(msg, version, extra)
msg <- paste(msg, "\n\nPlease use this as a replacement:\n ", CALL, "\n")

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