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password update

password update #3

Workflow file for this run

name: OPA Terraform Validation
on: pull_request # only run on PR
get-working-directories: # This section reads in the terraform directories and creates a pipeline for each one
name: 'Get Terraform Directories'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
terraform_dirs: ${{steps.directories.outputs.terraform_dirs}}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Get Directories
id: directories
working-directory: ./terraform
run: |
DIRS=[\"$(ls -dm */ | sed 's/ /"/g' | sed 's/\//"/g' | tr -d '\n')]
echo "terraform_dirs=${DIRS}"
echo "terraform_dirs=${DIRS}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
run-opa-tests: # This is the primary pipeline that runs for each terraform folder
name: 'Run OPA Tests - ${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}'
permissions: write-all
needs: [get-working-directories]
fail-fast: false
terraform_dirs: ${{ fromJson(needs.get-working-directories.outputs.terraform_dirs) }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 # Checks out the code
- name: Install Conftest # Installs the policy as code tool -> conftest
run: |
sudo dpkg -i conftest_0.54.0_linux_amd64.deb
conftest -v
- name: Install terraform-local # Installs the terraform local tool - used for our simulated AWS environment
run: |
pip install terraform-local
- name: Start LocalStack # Starts up our simulated AWS environment
uses: LocalStack/[email protected]
image-tag: 'latest'
- name: Terraform Init # Initializes terraform
working-directory: ./terraform/${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}
run: tflocal init
- name: Terraform Plan # Performs terraform plan and creates the output - this output is what is evaluated by conftest (policy as code)
working-directory: ./terraform/${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}
run: |
tflocal plan -input=false -out tfplan.out
tflocal show --json tfplan.out > tfplan.json
- name: Print Terraform Plan # Formats the terraform plan so it is readable
working-directory: ./terraform/${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}
run: |
jq . tfplan.json
jq . tfplan.json > tfplan-pretty-${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}.json
- name: Store Terraform Plan Output # Store the terraform output in case we want to dowload it
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: terraform-plan-output-${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}
path: ./terraform/${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}/tfplan.json
- name: Validate OPA # Does the OPA (policy as code) validation of the terraform outputs with rego
working-directory: ./terraform/${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}
run: |
conftest test --all-namespaces -p ../../policies tfplan.json > opa-std-out-${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}.txt || true
conftest test --all-namespaces -p ../../policies --trace tfplan.json > opa-trace-${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}.txt || true
conftest test --all-namespaces -p ../../policies tfplan.json --output json || true
conftest test --all-namespaces -p ../../policies tfplan.json --output github
- name: Print OPA Std Out # Print the OPA/Rego output for debugging
if: always()
working-directory: ./terraform/${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}
run: cat opa-std-out-${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}.txt
- name: Print OPA Trace # Print the OPA/Rego trace statememnts for debugging
if: always()
working-directory: ./terraform/${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}
run: cat opa-trace-${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}.txt
- name: Store OPA Trace # Store the OPA/rego trace output in case we want to dowload it
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: opa-trace-${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}
path: ./terraform/${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}/opa-trace-${{ matrix.terraform_dirs }}.txt