Version 13.1.0 Aluminium
released this
22 Aug 13:28
1209 commits
to master
since this release
VSCP & Friends 13.1.0 Aluminium
Copyright (C) 2000-2018 Grodans Paradis AB., [email protected]
This is the 13.1.0 Aluminium release of VSCP & Friends.
Questions? Go here!forum/vscp
Binaries? Go here
Changes since last version
- tcp/ip code fully rewritten and optimized. Faster and support for TLS/SSL.
- tcp/ip client is disconnected after 12 hours of inactivity. rcvloop clients does not have this limit.
- VSCP bootloader added to VSCP Works by Andreas M.
- Fixed segfault on Windows for VSCP Works session windows close
- Now release/debug switch works in config.
- Fixed web/websockets server configuration issue.
- Python example scripts (updated) now have crontab examples also. (
vscp/src/vscp/samples/python) - make web-install added to make script to install web i/f sample code. It is also possible to use do_web_download script (available in root folder) to manually download.
- Dumb node (Level III) introduces.
- Added Arduino example for ESP8266 connecting the VSCP daemon. (Example of dumb node)
- Code compiles on Windows again.
- Max event data size increase form 487 to 512.
- Fixed rare occurring segfault for DM action "send event to remote server"
- Fixed Level I interface origin GUID bug
- Helperlib now have totally rewritten tcp/ip submodules that are faster, licensed under MIT license and support SSL/TSL.
- tcp/ip interface now remembers 200 commands which can be repeated,
- All commands working as usual also in receive loop mode of tcp//ip interface.
- Configure script now take care of setting openssl version flag
- Complete man pages for all commands in place on Unix
- Updated mongoose to 6.12 for drivers still using it
- json pack updated to 3.1.2
- sqlite3 updated to 3.24.0
- LUA updated to 5.3.5
- Duktape updated to 2.1.2
- Dokumentation now on Gitbook (