Latest Version: 1.3.0
- Download & Install python 3.x from Be sure to check "Add to PATH" when installing.
- Open cmd as Administrator
- 'pip3 install bs4'
- 'pip3 install requests'
- Put your 2captcha apikey into apikey.txt
- Put your proxies(if any) into proxies.txt (Proxies are NOT required)
- In AIOBOT, open the captcha solver for whichever site you want to use. You can minimize it after you open it.
- Open cmd as Administrator.
- Change directory to ANBAIO2captcha folder. Example: 'cd C:\Users\Hunter\Desktop\ANBAIO2captcha'
- 'python'
- Normal - Normal mode will requesting X amount of captchas as soon as you tell it to, and then will stop.
- Never Ending - Never ending mode will requesting X amount of captchas every Y minutes until stopped by the user.
DM me on twitter @hunter_bdm with any questions.
A few URL's are still missing for the captcha solver pages. If you have them DM me on twitter.