A simple, easily customizable calender widget written in Javascript. Avoided using JQuery simply because I really didn't need it...
Anyone is free to contribute, and tell me the downfalls of this script (everyone was a noob once - I'm still one).
Demo: http://www.gregjoy.co.uk/static/pages/SimpleCalenderWidget/
To use this widget, include it and call:
SimpleCalenderWidget.initialise({Desired parent DOM element},{optional event data});
You can set this event data afterwards if preferred with:
SimpleCalenderWidget.setEventData({event data});
The layout of the event data is:
eventData = { year:{ month:{ day:[ event:{ id:id, time:time, title:title }, ], }, }, }
eventData = { 2013:{ 5:{ 10:[ 0:{ id:'12', time:'09:00', title:'Nice title text' }, 1:{ id:'13', time:'13:30', title:'Another nice title text' }, ], 11:[ 0:{ id:'11', time:'09:00', title:'Some text' } ] }, }, }
For any complaints, questions, constructive advice or criticism, I encourage you wholeheartedly to contact me.