Releases: grandnode/grandnode2
2.3.0 - beta
Main changes
- Migrate to ASP.NET Core 9.0
- Creation of modules: installation module, migration module, API module, scheduled task module (added the ability to enable/disable modules in appsettings).
- Use Central Package Management
- Refactor API: Remove OData and swagger and use OpenApi and Scalar
- Improve pipelines (add codeql, update github action)
Full Changelog
Click here to see the full release notes for GrandNode 2.2.0
Update NuGet packages
Add Aspire project ([)]
Remove Docker Compose from solution ([)]
Refactor API: Remove OData and swagger and use OpenApi and scalar
Refactor/WorkContextAccessor ([)]
Adding feature management for modules (#534)
Use Central Package Management (#525)
Update to Mongo 3.0 (#524)
Remove unused GetCountryByIPAddress property and related code
Refactor common path
Refactor admin services and reorganize structureRefactor admin services and reorganize structure
Move Migrating Process to Grand.Module.Migration ([)](
Move Grand.Api to Grand.Module.Api ([)](
Move Scheduled Task to Grand.Module.ScheduledTasks ([)](
Main changes
Migrate to ASP.NET Core 8.0 #448
Vendor Management Portal in a Separate #431
Implementation of Stripe Checkout as a Replacement for the PayPal Plugin #460
Separation of DbProviders Logic into a Standalone Project ce6567e
Refactoring of Template Handling - Implementing a Plugin-like Structure #453
Added a new plugin theme Modern (beta)
Full Changelog
Click here to see the full release notes for GrandNode 2.2.0
Rest of changes
- Implementation of Audit Fields and Repository Updates (#447)
- Integration with Azure App Configuration for Centralized Settings Management #466
- Replacement of Custom Logger with System Logger Provider Implementation (#439)
- Added the ability to manage menus in the admin panel 35bd27
- Introduction of new permissions creation and editing in the admin panel e2b649
- Update of NuGet packages to the latest versions
- Update of appsettings.json
- Refactoring of Grand.Web.Admin
- Refactoring of ShoppingCartValidator to use IValidatorFactory 2bdf223
- Introduction of NoScriptsAttribute for XSS Protection (#461)
- Removal of WebMarkupMin 1147c97
- Display of Product SKU in merchandise return admin view (#417)
- Extension of CheckoutPaymentInfoModel to include new field SystemName 1f43b34
- Infokit-form-error-messages-by-min-length-fixes (#408)
- Replacing IFormCollection with strongly typed objects in the Admin Panel (#409
#409) - Moving model validation to the validator from the controller in the Admin panel.
- Slider Image Scheduling (#414)
- Plugins - fix namespace
- Removal of packages FluentValidation.AspNetCore due to lack of maintenance 2a14047
- Refactor of versioning strategy to use csproj files a0e2ad9
- Removal of vendor info section from Account details section (074c70e)
- Added vendor data editing capability to the vendor portal 730b2d8
- Added reports for vendors in their portal #431
- New setting in SecurityConfig - AuthorizeAdminMenu cbec431
- Introduction of AuthorizeMenuAttribute for access verification to specific controllers and actions in the admin panel using menu configuration 080df38
- Replacement of IServiceProvider with IHttpContextAccessor in Plugins f2149b2
- Removal of the activity log feature (#443)
- Removal of miniprofiler (#464)
- Addition of ApplicationInsights Profiler
- Removal of serilog (#463)
- Introduction of new project SharedUIResources for JS/CSS files (for admin/vendor project) 9df8717
- Code cleanup (ReSharper)
- Fixed the Shipping Status filter in Orders page not filtering in some cases #445
- Fixed queued emails issue for guest customer #430
- Fixed TimeInterval in BackgroundServiceTask #425
- Corrected admin input tag helper - fixed "disabled" attribute 0056db
- Allowed deletion of items with gift vouchers in orders, when the gift voucher was deleted 6241b53
- Added missing image flags in the admin panel a47444a
- Fixed return URL when anonymous checkout is not allowed #400
- Corrected DontSendBeforeDate saving in queued email in the admin panel
- Fixed Product Tier price deletion issue related to start and end dates #433
- Hid price in search auto-complete (#462)
- Fix issue with ToLowerInvariant() method in LiteDb e0c1d67
2.2.0 - beta
Main changes
Migrate to ASP.NET Core 8.0 #448
Vendor Management Portal in a Separate #431
Implementation of Stripe Checkout as a Replacement for the PayPal Plugin #460
Separation of DbProviders Logic into a Standalone Project ce6567e
Refactoring of Template Handling - Implementing a Plugin-like Structure #453
Added a new plugin theme Modern (beta)
Full Changelog
Click here to see the full release notes for GrandNode 2.2.0
Rest of changes
- Implementation of Audit Fields and Repository Updates (#447)
- Integration with Azure App Configuration for Centralized Settings Management #466
- Replacement of Custom Logger with System Logger Provider Implementation (#439)
- Added the ability to manage menus in the admin panel 35bd27
- Introduction of new permissions creation and editing in the admin panel e2b649
- Update of NuGet packages to the latest versions
- Update of appsettings.json
- Refactoring of Grand.Web.Admin
- Refactoring of ShoppingCartValidator to use IValidatorFactory 2bdf223
- Introduction of NoScriptsAttribute for XSS Protection (#461)
- Removal of WebMarkupMin 1147c97
- Display of Product SKU in merchandise return admin view (#417)
- Extension of CheckoutPaymentInfoModel to include new field SystemName 1f43b34
- Infokit-form-error-messages-by-min-length-fixes (#408)
- Replacing IFormCollection with strongly typed objects in the Admin Panel (#409
#409) - Moving model validation to the validator from the controller in the Admin panel.
- Slider Image Scheduling (#414)
- Plugins - fix namespace
- Removal of packages FluentValidation.AspNetCore due to lack of maintenance 2a14047
- Refactor of versioning strategy to use csproj files a0e2ad9
- Removal of vendor info section from Account details section (074c70e)
- Added vendor data editing capability to the vendor portal 730b2d8
- Added reports for vendors in their portal #431
- New setting in SecurityConfig - AuthorizeAdminMenu cbec431
- Introduction of AuthorizeMenuAttribute for access verification to specific controllers and actions in the admin panel using menu configuration 080df38
- Replacement of IServiceProvider with IHttpContextAccessor in Plugins f2149b2
- Removal of the activity log feature (#443)
- Removal of miniprofiler (#464)
- Addition of ApplicationInsights Profiler
- Removal of serilog (#463)
- Introduction of new project SharedUIResources for JS/CSS files (for admin/vendor project) 9df8717
- Fixed the Shipping Status filter in Orders page not filtering in some cases #445
- Fixed queued emails issue for guest customer #430
- Fixed TimeInterval in BackgroundServiceTask #425
- Corrected admin input tag helper - fixed "disabled" attribute 0056db
- Allowed deletion of items with gift vouchers in orders, when the gift voucher was deleted 6241b53
- Added missing image flags in the admin panel a47444a
- Fixed return URL when anonymous checkout is not allowed #400
- Corrected DontSendBeforeDate saving in queued email in the admin panel
- Fixed Product Tier price deletion issue related to start and end dates #433
- Hid price in search auto-complete (#462)
Main changes
Code refactoring
Fix spelling issue
Improve syntax style
Code improvements and use common practice
Add new tests (about 1000)
Improve frontent API
Full Changelog
Click here to see the full release notes for GrandNode 2.0.0
Rest of changes
- Allow to filtering by rating on catalog/brand/collection/vendor page
- Changes in the download entity, add new fields 0ff521b
- Admin - Bug Statistics in bestseller when user add more 1 currency, system caculate not exactly (USD, EURO,..) #388
- Add new fields for the EntityURL - Controller/Action - allow to define your own url and redirect to Controller/Action e2bd3a9
- Add information about git branch/commit in the System Information
- Google analytics upgrade to GA4 is required #371 (#380)
- Add new settings MaxCatalogPageSize
- Add pagination to the page all vendor e1a37f0
- Add pagination to the page all collection 3deea76
- Add pagination to the page all brand 0b21d85
- Add new page - categories all 332a423
- Allow to use swagger for frontent API / generate openapi fe60c23
- Add new attribute IgnoreApi (for action and properties in model)
- BasePublicController.cs move to the project Grand.Web.Common 9f73f5c
- Grand.Web.Controllers - move validator logic from Controller to Validator
- Improve Frontent API - add new settings FrontendAPIConfig.JsonContentType (allow to use json content in body request) (708d47b)
- Remove X-Response-View (b00668b)
- Antiforgery - Specifies the name of the header value that is used by the antiforgery system (aef0852)
- Aws S3 upload image not working #340
- Use scryber.core pdf engine (#353)
- Remove IFormCollection (use own classes)
- Refactoring export/import - use generic class
- Add new security settings EnableRuntimeCompilation (appsettings file)
- Extend warehouse entity - add new field Warehouse Code
- API - Add Action Filter for support to return BadRequest when model is invalid
- Shipping Cart Validator - refactoring - use fluentvalidation
- New ordered in partial views (#317)
- Set up CI with Azure Pipelines 6e4a758
- Changes in structure IShippingRateCalculationProvider plugins, move away from viewcomponent, now use Controllers (11ff992)
- Move to webpack with Minify CSS
- Prevent exception when Themes directory not exists bbde23d
- Admin panel - Update Codemirror to the version 5.65.7 8a6334d
- Minor changes - Use method GetTypedHeaders for get referer url 143f2b1
- Update fluentValidation
- Update nuget packages to the latest version
- Views - Use page loader for longer requests a04cfb1
- Extend model OrderTotalsModel 3dfd745
- Installation process - password fields (#284)
- Fix QuickView for grouped product e5b255d
- Don't auto complete password field 3405ed9
- Extend DiscountRule (add the Metadata field), in the discount entity ba88a0e
- AuthorizationTransactionId is mapping to viewmodel (#292)
- Order invoice price incl tax check (PDF) (#293)
- Update urls on the checkout page 171399b
- Move EventPublisherExtensions to Grand.Business.Core d0534b3
- Move OrderTotal Component to the ShoppingCartController 0d54263
- Move OrderSummary Component to the ShoppingCartController 59ff797
- Account info - minor fix view (field StateProvinceRequired) ad796ab
- Admin - prevent for exceptions when using ActionLink with an empty string de4413b
- Admin - Add missing validator for CourseModel db8bd9b
- Feature/wkhtml-remove
- Minor refactoring - move storage extensions to grand.web.common project 3d5d13d
- Add new Feature/resource type (#279)
- Bugfix in TokenWebController to LoginWebModel (#319)
- Added null check before getting download binary in GetDownloadById (#264
- Clear cart returns html instead of json #258 (#272)
2.1.0 - beta
Main changes
Code refactoring
Fix spelling issue
Improve syntax style
Code improvements and use common practice
Add new tests (about 1000)
Improve frontent API
Full Changelog
Click here to see the full release notes for GrandNode 2.0.0
Rest of changes
- Add information about git branch/commit in the System Information
- Google analytics upgrade to GA4 is required #371 (#380)
- Add new settings MaxCatalogPageSize
- Add pagination to the page all vendor e1a37f0
- Add pagination to the page all collection 3deea76
- Add pagination to the page all brand 0b21d85
- Add new page - categories all 332a423
- Allow to use swagger for frontent API / generate openapi fe60c23
- Add new attribute IgnoreApi (for action and properties in model)
- BasePublicController.cs move to the project Grand.Web.Common 9f73f5c
- Grand.Web.Controllers - move validator logic from Controller to Validator
- Improve Frontent API - add new settings FrontendAPIConfig.JsonContentType (allow to use json content in body request) (708d47b)
- Remove X-Response-View (b00668b)
- Antiforgery - Specifies the name of the header value that is used by the antiforgery system (aef0852)
- Aws S3 upload image not working #340
- Use scryber.core pdf engine (#353)
- Remove IFormCollection (use own classes)
- Refactoring export/import - use generic class
- Add new security settings EnableRuntimeCompilation (appsettings file)
- Extend warehouse entity - add new field Warehouse Code
- API - Add Action Filter for support to return BadRequest when model is invalid
- Shipping Cart Validator - refactoring - use fluentvalidation
- New ordered in partial views (#317)
- Set up CI with Azure Pipelines 6e4a758
- Changes in structure IShippingRateCalculationProvider plugins, move away from viewcomponent, now use Controllers (11ff992)
- Move to webpack with Minify CSS
- Prevent exception when Themes directory not exists bbde23d
- Admin panel - Update Codemirror to the version 5.65.7 8a6334d
- Minor changes - Use method GetTypedHeaders for get referer url 143f2b1
- Update fluentValidation
- Update nuget packages to the latest version
- Views - Use page loader for longer requests a04cfb1
- Extend model OrderTotalsModel 3dfd745
- Installation process - password fields (#284)
- Fix QuickView for grouped product e5b255d
- Don't auto complete password field 3405ed9
- Extend DiscountRule (add the Metadata field), in the discount entity ba88a0e
- AuthorizationTransactionId is mapping to viewmodel (#292)
- Order invoice price incl tax check (PDF) (#293)
- Update urls on the checkout page 171399b
- Move EventPublisherExtensions to Grand.Business.Core d0534b3
- Move OrderTotal Component to the ShoppingCartController 0d54263
- Move OrderSummary Component to the ShoppingCartController 59ff797
- Account info - minor fix view (field StateProvinceRequired) ad796ab
- Admin - prevent for exceptions when using ActionLink with an empty string de4413b
- Admin - Add missing validator for CourseModel db8bd9b
- Feature/wkhtml-remove
- Minor refactoring - move storage extensions to grand.web.common project 3d5d13d
- Add new Feature/resource type (#279)
- Bugfix in TokenWebController to LoginWebModel (#319)
- Added null check before getting download binary in GetDownloadById (#264
- Clear cart returns html instead of json #258 (#272)
Main changes
Upgrade to ASP.NET CORE 6
Add support for LiteDB - Embedded NoSQL database
More integrations with Azure
Full Changelog
Click here to see the full release notes for GrandNode 2.0.0
Rest of changes
- Upgrade nuget packages
- The App_Settings has been divided into sections
- [2a19dea] Add new security settings KeyPersistenceLocation
- [40923f6] Add AzureKeyVault to configure ASP.NET Core Data Protection (#260)
- [ec6bc9a] Changes in structure of application (add new project Grand.Business.Core and moved abstractions class from Business projects) #256
- [a20e05a] Add Azure Application Insights #246
- [4522aeb] Add new settings in AppSettings - Allow to set MaxRequestBodySize
- [ac92f5e] Admin menu sitemap allows the specific display order #240
- [c973de0] Add possibility to add a custom name for addresses #214
- [8a77eb3] Allow to limit gift vouchers to the store
- [b6e189d] Extend picture entity - add new field Style, Extra Field
- [0c6924e] Allow to set captcha theme and captcha score
- [3c4d9b4] C# 10 - Global usings
- [205cbff] Improve Azure blob thumbnail #243 Thanks @Nikhil13x
- [60021a4] Admin panel - add to the system info - WebRootPath/ContentRootPath/EnvironmentName
- [3bbef49] Plugin Shipping point - fix display shipping rate for other currency
- Grand.API - minor refactoring - use GenericQueryHandler
- [f0601ad] Minor improvements for migration process / add update resource string
- [ef9cd8e] Fix for pricing calculation for Bundle product types when product attributes are configured #239 Thanks @Nikhil13x
- [ec65c6a] Add new type filter for prevent to run an action
- [e808943] Fix - Incorrect sorting in MigrationManager.cs #237 Thanks @VasilievSerg
- [45c9ee4] Plugin Shipping by weight - fix editpopup layout not found #236 Thanks @eliyasbaby
- [443b974] Fix product attribute image square tooltip #234
- [ea99853] Sidebar compare products - prepare new action / endpoint / request handler
- [8422440] Sidebar wishlist - prepare new models / action / endpoint / request handler
- [2b110ba] Compare products - fix double request
- [5a389b1] Changes in MemoryCache
Main changes
Upgrade to ASP.NET CORE 6
Add support for LiteDB - Embedded NoSQL database
Full Changelog
Click here to see the full release notes for GrandNode 2.0.0
Rest of changes
- Upgrade nuget packages
- The App_Settings has been divided into sections
- [ac92f5e] Admin menu sitemap allows the specific display order #240
- [c973de0] Add possibility to add a custom name for addresses #214
- [8a77eb3] Allow to limit gift vouchers to the store
- [b6e189d] Extend picture entity - add new field Style, Extra Field
- [0c6924e] Allow to set captcha theme and captcha score
- [3c4d9b4] C# 10 - Global usings
- [205cbff] Improve Azure blob thumbnail #243 Thanks @Nikhil13x
- [60021a4] Admin panel - add to the system info - WebRootPath/ContentRootPath/EnvironmentName
- [3bbef49] Plugin Shipping point - fix display shipping rate for other currency
- Grand.API - minor refactoring - use GenericQueryHandler
- [f0601ad] Minor improvements for migration process / add update resource string
- [ef9cd8e] Fix for pricing calculation for Bundle product types when product attributes are configured #239 Thanks @Nikhil13x
- [ec65c6a] Add new type filter for prevent to run an action
- [e808943] Fix - Incorrect sorting in MigrationManager.cs #237 Thanks @VasilievSerg
- [45c9ee4] Plugin Shipping by weight - fix editpopup layout not found #236 Thanks @eliyasbaby
- [443b974] Fix product attribute image square tooltip #234
- [ea99853] Sidebar compare products - prepare new action / endpoint / request handler
- [8422440] Sidebar wishlist - prepare new models / action / endpoint / request handler
- [2b110ba] Compare products - fix double request
- [5a389b1] Changes in MemoryCache
[108b0d3] Admin panel - allow to manager payment settings by store (is active / settings by store)
[441d25c] Admin panel - allow to manager shipping providers by store (is active)
Bug fixes
[e0da251] Paypal plugin - Bug fix/payal urls not found issue #226 - thanks @eliyasbaby
Minor changes
[6d40a58] Admin panel - Add missing inherit class
[d141950] Admin panel - GetActiveStore
[10df235] [b70b71c] Api - Add new validator for token web controller