React Native implementation of boring avatars
Forked from
Then forked again to fix the error
""RNSVGRect" was not found in the UIManager
In the original library, there is heavy use of magic strings and hardcoded values. This caused heavy pixellation when trying to make avatars larger than their default values.
For an understanding of how this all works please see this blog post:
Couldn't we have made a Pull Request? Yes, but the original library seems to have stagnated a bit with no recent changes and serveral hanging Issues. We also wanted to impose our own code style and TypeScipt preferences.
yarn add @mealection/react-native-boring-avatars
// ...
import Avatar from 'react-native-boring-avatars';
colors={['#92A1C6', '#146A7C', '#F0AB3D', '#C271B4', '#C20D90']}
The marble variant is not suppported. This is because react-native-svg
does not support the SVG filter
attribute which the marble variant depends on. 🙁 Check here for more details on react-native-svg on this issue.