A web interface for your Cloud Events infrastructure. This application stores all events making you able to see what data is sent between your microservices.
Additionally, you can redispatch events to your other services, making this app act like a simplified Knative Broker resource. The broker only supports Prefix, Suffix and Exactly matchers.
This application is meant for development/debugging purposes on local development environment. It lacks a lot of security features to be deployed in production environments. Use at your own risk.
- clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/gplanchat/cloud-events-webui.git
- start the stack
docker compose up -d
- clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/gplanchat/cloud-events-webui.git
- deploy in your Kubernetes cluster
helm dependencies update ./helm/cloudevents-webui helm lint ./helm/cloudevents-webui helm upgrade main ./helm/cloudevents-webui --namespace=default --create-namespace --wait \ --install \ --set "php.image.repository=gcr.io/test-cloudevents-webui/php" \ --set php.image.tag=latest \ --set "pwa.image.repository=gcr.io/test-cloudevents-webui/pwa" \ --set pwa.image.tag=latest \ --set php.appSecret='!ChangeMe!' \ --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword='!ChangeMe!' \ --set postgresql.persistence.enabled=true \ --set "corsAllowOrigin=^https?:\/\/[a-z]*\.mywebsite.com$"
For more details, check the API Platform official documentation
- clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/gplanchat/cloud-events-webui.git
- start the stack in your Kubernetes cluster
cd helm/ skaffold dev
For more details, check the API Platform official documentation