A serverless
function that listens for appMaker and postback webhooks from Smooch in order to fire off templated structured messages and handle postback responses.
- Clone the repo
- Fill up the constants in handler.js with App key and secret as well as a trigger string you want to listen for
- Modify the code to send the structured message you want in response to the trigger string
- Deploy the code with a good ol'
serverless deploy -v
- Make note of the AWS endpoint where the service is listening for a POST
- Go to your smooch app and configure a webhook to go to the endpoint from 5 and set it to trigger on message:appMaker as well as on postbacks
- Have a conversation on the Smooch app you configured this for and as an agent send an exact match of your
- Profit!
- Adopt for passthrough API call and test on secret channel
- Move code constants to environment variables instead to separate code/config
- Remove console.log's I was using for debugging