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Kruk - Chrome UX Report (CrUX) CLI Tool

Kruk is a command-line interface tool that helps you fetch and visualize Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) data for websites. It provides easy access to real-world performance metrics collected from Chrome users.


npm install -g kruk


Basic syntax:

kruk --key YOUR_API_KEY --urls URL1,URL2 [options]

Required Parameters

  • --key: Your Google API key (Get it from Google Cloud Console)
  • --urls: Comma-separated list of URLs to analyze

Optional Parameters

  • --formFactor: Device type to filter results (default: 'PHONE')
  • --ect: Effective Connection Type
    • Options: 'offline', 'slow-2G', '2G', '3G', '4G'
  • --checkOrigin: Get data for the entire origin instead of specific URLs
  • --history: Use CrUX history API to get historical data
  • --output: Output format (default: 'table')
    • Options: 'distribution', 'json', 'csv', 'table'


  1. Basic usage with multiple URLs:
kruk --key YOUR_API_KEY --urls,
  1. Check specific connection type:
kruk --key YOUR_API_KEY --urls, --ect 4G
  1. Check desktop metrics:
kruk --key YOUR_API_KEY --urls, --formFactor DESKTOP
  1. Get origin-level data:
kruk --key YOUR_API_KEY --urls --checkOrigin
  1. Get data for tablet users on 3G:
kruk --key YOUR_API_KEY --urls, --formFactor TABLET --ect 3G

Output Metrics

The tool provides data for the following Core Web Vitals and additional metrics:

  • CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)
  • FCP (First Contentful Paint)
  • LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)
  • TTFB (Time to First Byte)
  • INP (Interaction to Next Paint)
  • RTT (Round Trip Time)

Output Formats

  1. Table (default): Displays data in a formatted table
  2. Distribution: Shows visual distribution of metrics using unicode characters
  3. CSV: Outputs data in CSV format for further processing
  4. JSON: Raw JSON output of the data

Programmatic Usage

Kruk can also be used as a module in your Node.js applications.


npm install kruk

Basic Usage

import { getReports } from "kruk";

async function fetchCruxData() {
  const urls = ["", ""];
  const API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY";

  const params = {
    effectiveConnectionType: "4G", // optional
    formFactor: "PHONE", // optional
    origin: false, // optional, set true for origin-level data
    history: false, // optional, set true for historical data

  try {
    const data = await getReports(urls, API_KEY, params);
  } catch (error) {

Response Structure

The response will include metrics data in the following format:

  params: {
    // Query parameters used
  metrics: [
      url: "",
      CLS: {
        p75: number,
        rank: "good" | "average" | "poor",
        histogram: [number, number, number] // Distribution values
      FCP: {
        // Similar structure as CLS
      LCP: {
        // Similar structure as CLS
      TTFB: {
        // Similar structure as CLS
      INP: {
        // Similar structure as CLS
      RTT: {
        // Similar structure as CLS


  • Node.js
  • Google API Key with access to Chrome UX Report API


The tool requires a valid Google API key with access to the Chrome UX Report API. Make sure to handle the API key securely and not share it in public repositories.


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