Dagger 2.52
Dagger 2.52
Dagger KSP now requires at least KSP 1.9.24-1.0.20.
Bug fixes
- Fixed #4302: Suppress deprecation warnings in generated code. (f41033c)
- Fixed #4323: Added rules to stop LazyClassKey referenced classes being merged with R8 (81512af).
- Fixed #4345: Fixes intersection type bounds order in generated factories when using KSP (aosp/3164197).
- Fixed #4352: Fixes an issue where the parameter name "instance" could conflict with fields of the same name in the component. (952c250)
- Merged pull request #4305: Skip view injection when in edit mode for previews. (65b74f8)
- Fixed an issue where base classes with a package private constructor would cause the generated code to fail (db25237)
- Add a jakarta.inject.Provider runtime dependency in preparation for supporting Jakarta Providers (a8581e0)