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Tips and tricks

Pierre Champion | Drakirus edited this page Apr 1, 2020 · 18 revisions

Collection of tips and tricks found by go-flutter users

As more and more peoples use flutter on the desktop, a multitude of small features are requested. It's not very clear whether, or not some of those features should be incorporated into the go-flutter source code as a reminder of a list was created to keep track of those requests and potential solutions.
This list may be converted to go-flutter Option or plugins.

1. Windows console

On the Windows OS, the console keep showing and disappearing when using Dart Process?

Place the following hide-cmd_windows.go file into the go/cmd/ directory:

package main

// the file hide-cmd_windows.go is used to hide console windows that keep
// showing up on each Dart calls

import ""

func init() {
	console := w32.GetConsoleWindow()
	if console != 0 {
		_, consoleProcID := w32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(console)
		if w32.GetCurrentProcessId() == consoleProcID {
			w32.ShowWindowAsync(console, w32.SW_HIDE)

Found by @Tokenyet.

2. Set the initial window dimension based on screen resolution

Place the following window-size-based-on-resolution.go file into the go/cmd/ directory:

package main

// the file window-size-based-on-resolution.go is used to set the initial
// dimension of the window based on screen resolution.
// The following example sets the window to take all of the monitor screen
// minus a border.

import (
	flutter ""

const windowBorder = 100

func init() {
	// Notice: Code in init() delays first frame!

	// Not best practice, you should let go-flutter make this call.
	err := glfw.Init()
	if err != nil {

	vidMoce := glfw.GetPrimaryMonitor().GetVideoMode()

	options = append(options,
	options = append(options,
		flutter.WindowInitialLocation(windowBorder, windowBorder),

By @pchampio, #267.

3. Open the Virtual keyboard on text edit:

Place the following virtual_keyboard_linux.go file into the go/cmd/ directory:

package main

// the file virtual_keyboard_linux.go is used to show the 'onboard'
// vitrual keyboard upon text input.
// LINUX only, variants (i.e.: *_windows.go) needs to be created.

import (
	flutter ""

var onBoard = exec.Command("onboard")

func init() {
	options = append(options,
			err := onBoard.Start()
			if err != nil {

By @pchampio, #274.

4. Save the windows mode, fullscreen or default


Place the following window_mode_plugin.go file into the go/cmd/ directory:

package main

import (


const channelName = "com.github.ekasetiawans/window_plugin"

type windowPlugin struct{}

var _ flutter.Plugin = &windowPlugin{} 
var _ flutter.PluginGLFW = &windowPlugin{} 

func (p *windowPlugin) InitPlugin(messenger plugin.BinaryMessenger) error {
	channel := plugin.NewMethodChannel(messenger, channelName, plugin.StandardMethodCodec{})

	channel.HandleFunc("setFullScreen", handleSetFullScreen)
	channel.HandleFunc("getFullScreen", handleGetFullScreen)

	return nil

func handleGetFullScreen(arguments interface{}) (reply interface{}, err error) {
	config := getConfiguration()
	return config.FullScreenMode, nil

func handleSetFullScreen(arguments interface{}) (reply interface{}, err error) {
	value := arguments.(bool)
	config := getConfiguration()
	config.FullScreenMode = value

	return true, nil

// InitPluginGLFW .
func (p *windowPlugin) InitPluginGLFW(window *glfw.Window) error {
	return nil

type jsonConfiguration struct {
	FullScreenMode bool    `json:"fullscreen"`

func getConfiguration() *jsonConfiguration {
	filename := "config.json"
	if _, err := os.Stat(filename); err == nil {
		b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
		if err == nil {
			var config jsonConfiguration
			json.Unmarshal(b, &config)
			return &config

	return &jsonConfiguration{
		FullScreenMode: false,

func (config *jsonConfiguration) saveConfig() {
	b, err := json.Marshal(config)
	if err != nil {

	filename := "config.json"
	ioutil.WriteFile(filename, b, 0644)

func getWindowModeFromJSON() flutter.Option {
	config := getConfiguration()
	if config.FullScreenMode {
		return flutter.WindowMode(flutter.WindowModeBorderlessFullscreen)

	return flutter.WindowMode(flutter.WindowModeDefault)

// then add the following in `go/cmd/option.go` 
var options = []flutter.Option{
	flutter.WindowInitialDimensions(800, 1280),

Matching dart code:

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

class WindowPlugin {
  static MethodChannel channel =

  static setFullScreen(bool value) async {
    await channel.invokeMethod("setFullScreen", value);

  static Future<bool> isFullScreen() async {
    return await channel.invokeMethod("getFullScreen");

By @ekasetiawans #273