This project is a meshing example based on gmsh and tetgen which is targeted at a mesh suitable for devsim device simulation in 3D.
Execute the scripts in order of the enumeration.
Generates a simple .stl geometry which resembles a cube of 1x1x1.
Uses tetgen.exe
to generate a tetrehedral mesh of the .stl cube
and converts the result back to the gmsh2.2 format.
Reads the converted gmsh mesh and attaches the contacts to the top and buttom surface. The mesh is scaled by a factor but the mesh in general should stay the same.
Checks the tetrahedra in the mesh and compares them to theoretical values. Evaluates the total volume of the geometry for theoretical values and actual devsim values.
Performs a constructed electrical simulation. The dimensions, doping and mobility are chosen in a way that the volume has a resistance of 1 Ohm. Therefore the expected result of the simulation is 1A for 1V.