- You need an username and a password both valid to acces the tool
- Pressing Return on the password entry is a faster alternative to clicking on
Some user have the admin privilege and have access to the user control panel.
- They can:
- Add/Delete an user
- Promote/Downgrade an user to admin
- They can't:
- View passwords
- Edit email/username/passwords
- Double-click on a line in the table show the ingredients list and recipe of the product
- Right-click pops a menu relative to the line in the table:
: a Product page will appear to edit the product. Warning, it will overwrite any existing oneRemove
: a dialog box will appear and the item will be removed only after clicking onOK
- When clicking on
Add a product
, an empty Product page will appear. Warning, it will overwrite any existing one
- Quantity and Price fields only accept float numbers
- Left-click on Launching Date field pops a calendar. You can validate the chosen date by either clicking on
- Left-click on
Add an ingredient
- Double-click on a cell opens a popup for editing:
- To save press Return
- Left-click/Double-click anywhere close it without saving
- All fields are editable
- The version is automatically added
- No change it saved before clicking on
Add a product
- Depending on the Change Type (Major, Minor or Patch) chosen, the new version is automatically changed when saving
- Restoring a previous version:
- The "Edit fonctionalities" will be disabled to prevent editing while restoring a version
- You can't edit any previous version before restoring it
- Choose the version from the list above
- clicking
Restore this version
will show a warning, ifYES
is clicked:- The "chosen version" replace the "current version" (saved in the history)
- The new version is the "current version"'s with a Major change
- Warning: any unsaved change on the current version won't be saved before moving it to history
- No change it saved before clicking on
Edit product
You can either view 'product' or 'ingredients' items (selected above the table).
- Expired items will appear in red in the table and athere will be a warning below the table
- Right-click pops a menu:
: a dialog box will appear and the item will be removed only after clicking onOK
- Double-click on a cell opens a popup for editing:
- To save press Return
- Left-click/Double-click anywhere close it without saving
- All fields are editable
- Quantity and Price fields only accept float numbers
- Based on the items type selected above the table, the type (Product or Ingredient) is autommatically added
- Quantity and Price fields only accept float numbers
- Left-click on Expiry Date field pops a calendar. You can validate the chosen date by either clicking on
or Double-click on the date - The item is only added after clicking on
Add Ingredient/Product