An example implementation of the remote-devtools-har module to gather HAR log entries from a seperate Google Chrome process.
Stream to file all the HAR entries emitted from remote-devtools-har. A better example would create a valid HAR file, not just these HTTP Archive (HAR) v1.2 entries.
Start Google Chrome with the default remote debugger port number, plus other possible command line arguments:
--remote-debugging-port=9222 \
--user-data-dir=$TMPDIR/chrome/tmp1 \
--no-default-browser-check \
--enable-net-benchmarking \
--no-first-run --no-proxy-server
On Windows optionally download the devToolsHarFile.exe
contained in the latest Release instead of installing this repository and it's dependencies.
mkdir logs
node .
# optionally run the devToolsHarFile.exe
Navigate in the Chrome browser. Only the first tab will be captured. Review the ./logs/out.har
file for all the HAR entries which were captured.
Chrome DevTools Protocol Viewer - Network Domain
- Network domain allows tracking network activities of the page. It exposes information about http, file, data and other requests and responses, their headers, bodies, timing, etc.