A testbed for a few different technologies around simple but flexible web proxying. Basically, testing functionality from documentation at:
Documentation at: [Proxy Test page] (https://github.com/gjonespf/docker-proxy-test)
Makes a few simple assumptions, but tries to stay self contained.
- Running Docker 1.11+ (for Compose DNS stuff)
- Docker Compose 1.7+
- Can access the interwebs
- That DNS for *.services.consul and *.docker are pointing at your test docker machine (test scenarios work for both)
Example tested versions
docker --version
Docker version 1.12.1, build 23cf638
docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.7.1, build 0a9ab35
git clone https://github.com/gjonespf/docker-proxy-test.git
cd docker-proxy-test
This will run up the example and you'll have access to:
- [Traefik dashboard] (http://traefik.services.consul/)
- [Consul dashboard] (http://consul-web.services.consul/)
Please see: [Examples] (examples.md)
Please see: [Issues] (issues.md)
- Write up issues with this approach currently
- Generalise / create example for other KV stores (Etcd/boltdb?)
- Test ACME config?